About Journal

Researches in Arthritis & Bone Study is a multidisciplinary, international, peer reviewed journal that publishes articles which promote excellence in the clinical practice of Arthritis. RABS focuses mainly on work that is concerned with the medical study of human bones. Arthritis is also referred to as joint pain which includes the pain that influences the musculoskeletal framework, particularly the joints. RABS primary focus on handicapped individuals over fifty-five years old, in diverse parts of the world. A joint is the part of the body where two bones meet. The joint facilitates development of the body parts it unites. RABS deals with the heed of individuals with arthritis and their related disorders, the major topics are evidence-based practice studies, clinical problems, practice guidelines, health care economics, health care policy, educational, social and public health issues and future trends in rheumatology practice. RABS cordially invites all the types of latest ongoing and future research on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in the form of review articles, research papers, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, short communications, letters to editors etc.

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