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Researches in Arthritis & Bone Study

Non Pharmacological Treatment of Pain with Physical Therapy Modalities and Alternative Medicine Methods

  • Open or Close Ramova EP1* and Ramov L2

    1,2 Training implementation center Bitola, Macedonia

    1,2 MIT University Skopje, Macedonia

    *Corresponding author: Ramova EP, MIT University Skopje, Macedonia,

Submission: October 28, 2018; Published: November 26, 2018

Volume1 Issue4
November 2018


Pain is an unhealthy feeling and only a person without pain is a happy person. In physical medicine more physical modalities are used for the treatment of subacute and chronic pain. We as doctors also use medical therapy in all forms, in the treatment of acute pain. After setting the diagnosis and the aetiological treatment, in the treatment of acute pain and stress as a reason for its occurrence, we use a number of alternative methods, which are used by top surgical centers such as aromatherapy, music therapy and acupuncture.

Material and method: in our research we list more physical modalities, alternative methods and assistive devices that we use in nonpharmacological treatment of pain.

Results: The effects of interferent currents, diadynamic currents, TENS, cryotherapy, and light therapy in the reduction of pain were analyzed. As well as the effects of some alternative methods.

Discussion: The use of medication for pain can have multiple side effects, due to the risk of bleeding or addiction. Before applying Physical modalities and alternative methods, knowledge of their mechanism of action and evaluation of the effect before and after treatment is necessary.

Conclusion: Physical medicine is the oldest but most modern branch of medicine, which has success in the treatment of painful conditions where drug therapy is limited.

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