Article Type: Research Article

Published: October, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/ACSR.2024.05.000601

Journal Name: Annals of Chemical Science Research

Abstract: The work presented was to demonstrate the process of using AMOS to test a first order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model. The analyses were performed with the AMOS statistic package. The process of conducting a type of CFA within the framework of AMOS program (first order CFA) were illustrated based on the data collected from the analysis of ten copy paper samples tested, using a tensile testing machine as the measuring instrument. Our structural equation modeling system based tensile properties and the two main directions of paper MD and CD direction. We tested our model using adequate fitting indices like GFI which equalled 1, AGFI which had the value of 0.92, RMSEA which had the value of 0.000 for our default model, CFI with the value of 1.000, NFI with index value of 0.997 for the default model, TLI with value of 1.119 index value, and IFI with index value of 1.018 for our default model. The results of the proposed measurement model confirmed the hypothesized latent structures MD and CD, and specified how the observed variables MDSTRESS, MDSTRAIN and CDSTRESS, CDSTRAIN depended on the latent variables. Amos graphics showed finally the distribution of chi-square values based on the bootstrap.


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