Author by: Katerina Chryssou* And Eugenia Lampi
Article Type: Research Article
Published: July, 2024
DOI: 10.31031/ACSR.2024.04.000598
Journal Name: Annals of Chemical Science Research
Abstract: The in-plane tensile properties, tensile stress in MPa, strain in %, elongation in mm, of machine-made copy papers were determined using a testing machine equipped with extensometer. Nine different kinds of copy paper were tested. The moisture content in % w/w of each copy paper was determined also with the oven method at 105 °C. Non-linear stress-strain curves were obtained as well as stresselongation non-linear curves and stress–moisture content non-linear curves, in both directions MD and CD for the nine copy papers. Polynomial functions were used to curve-fitting stress-strain relationship. The anisotropic behaviors of the nine copy papers including tensile strength and moisture content were experimentally measured. Graphs of the MD and CD strain in % versus MD/CD tensile strength ratio were also obtained.