Article Type: Research Article

Published: April, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/ACSR.2024.04.000596

Journal Name: Annals of Chemical Science Research

Abstract: Comparison of means of two methods of measuring air permeance were conducted using one-way ANOVA. The p-values of ANOVA were found to be p<0.000<0.05, and also p=0.002<0.05, when using the same units of expression of both permeances, which showed statistically significant differences between the values of the two methods of air permeance Bendtsen and Gurley. In the descriptives table the skewness value of the group of data for air permeance Bendtsen was positive which indicated a tail to the right of the distribution of data, and the kurtosis values for both groups were found below 1 which indicated flat distributions. In the normal Q-Q plots the values of the air permeances Bendtsen and Gurley were found approximately normally distributed since the points of data were close to the line. The detrended normal Q-Q plots gave us the same information. Both air permeance values, Bendtsen and Gurley, were evaluated in µm/Pa.s and the sample data followed the normal distribution since sig. (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) =0.2 and sig. (Shapiro-Wilk) =0.805. Boxplots were obtained, and equality of variances, with the Levene criterion, i.e. sig.=0.738>0.05, was obtained only when the air permeances were both expressed in units µm/Pa.s
