About Journal

Gerontology & Geriatrics studies is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of work from all areas of bio gerontology, with an emphasis on studies focused at the systems level of investigation, such as whole organisms, immune, endocrine and cellular systems, as well as whole population studies. GGS welcomes researchers to publish their research work and wide variety of reviews, case reports, mini reviews, short communication, opinions etc. GGS publishes articles on the biological aspects of aging which covers biochemistry, biodemography, comparative and evolutionary biology, endocrinology, cellular and molecular biology, exercise sciences, genetics, immunology, morphology, neuroscience, nutrition, pathology, physiology and biological underpinnings of late life diseases. Basic aspects of regeneration in diverse investigatory biological systems as well as in the context of medical applications, which dealt with a special section that also contains information on technological advances for the elderly. GGS publishes international forum for the information that has clear and immediate applicability to health, care, and quality of life of the aged.

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