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Trends in Telemedicine & E-health

A Wiki Based Management System for Clinical Trials Over Semantic Environment

  • Open or CloseStella C Christopoulou*

    Department of Business and Organization Administration, University of Peloponnese, Greece

    *Corresponding author:Stella C Christopoulou, Department of Business and Organization Administration, University of Peloponnese, Antikalamos, Kalamata 24100, Greece

Submission: March 29, 2021Published: December 01, 2021


Despite the growing interest and the challenges associated with collaboration in the process of development and adaptation of knowledge in medical practice on the web there is a lack of experience about the best method to use. This is especially challenging in the area of clinical trials, where healthcare professionals must manage, collaborate, and share a large amount of information from different sources and to work together to acquire the required knowledge in any case. The objective of this preliminary work is to propose a semantic and wiki platform on the web for the management of clinical trials, as an acceptable, feasible, and effective solution.

Keywords: Ontowiki; Wiki; Clinical trials; Semantic web

Abbreviations: OS: Operating System; LDW: Linked Data Wrapper

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