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Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences

On Problematic Issues of Physical Chemistry

  • Open or CloseKorablev GA*

    Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Russia

    *Corresponding author:Korablev GA, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Russia

Submission: June 27, 2019;Published: July 09, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/RMES.2019.07.000676

ISSN: 2576-8816
Volume8 Issue1


In systems in which the interaction proceeds along the potential gradient (positive work), the resulting potential energy, as well as the reduced mass, are found based on the principle of adding reciprocals of the corresponding values of subsystems. This is the corpuscular process and the entropy can be its theoretical concept. In the systems in which the interaction proceeds against the potential gradient (negative work), the algebraic addition of their masses, as well as the corresponding energies of subsystems, are performed. This is the wave process and the negentropy can be its theoretical concept. The resonance stationary state of the systems is realized under the condition of equality of degrees of their corpuscular and wave interactions. Such correlations are confirmed by the equations of Plank constant, constant of fine structure and for π. These principles can be practically applied to seek for optimal technological solutions.

Keywords: The first law of thermodynamics; Gradient of the directivity of processes; Wave-particle duality, Entropy, Negentropy

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