1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University del Rosario, Colombia
2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University del Rosario-Cell Regeneration Medical Organization, Colombia
3Periso Academy, Lugano, Switzerland
*Corresponding author:Pietro Romeo, Periso Academy, Lugano, Switzerland
Submission:December 28, 2022; Published: January 10, 2023
ISSN 2639-0531Volume3 Issue5
Peripheral facial paresis, or paralysis, is the most common acute mononeuropathy that affects the face. Also known as Bell’s paralysis and it involves the VII cranial nerve on one side of the face. The clinical resolution is almost always spontaneous, in a few weeks, but the complete recovery usually occurs in about six months; rarely, the pathology continues with long symptoms for life or occurs more than once. Despite the cause is frequently unknown, the therapeutic choice includes corticosteroids or antiviral drugs in force of a possible inflammatory or viral origin. In addition to medical therapy, short electrical stimulation of the facial muscles, low-level facial lasers, facial exercises, and tape feedback have been proposed, but with conflicting results.
We are unaware of the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in the management of paralysis, although this type of biophysical stimulation has already proven to be effective in neurological diseases, both in the central and peripheral nervous contexts. Based on this rationale, an original technology that employs High-Intensity Magnetic Fields (Diamagnetic therapy) has been proposed as a therapeutic choice in facial palsy given the lengthy response after conventional rehabilitative treatments. The results of the treatment are very encouraging and give way to future applications, also extended to other diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
Keywords:Facial paralysis; Bell’s paralysis; Pulsed electromagnetic fields; Diamagnetic therapy