Editor in Chief

Editor In Chief

Ian James Martins

Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR), Edith Cowan University, Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute

Research Interest: Drug therapy, Appetite regulation, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, magnesium therapy, anti-aging

Editorial Board

  1. Mony Fraer

    University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, USA

  2. John Anthony Bauer

    University of Kentucky, USA

  3. Bassem Masri

    Weill Cornell Medicine, USA

  4. Joo Y Cho

    Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

  5. Tarek Fahmy

    Yale University, USA

  6. Janet Hayes Southerland

    Meharry School of Dentistry, USA

  7. Adam F Steinlauf

    Lower Manhattan Hospital, USA

  8. Forshing Lui

    California Northstate University, USA

  9. Adnan Y Rojeab

    London College, UK

  10. Michael Naafs

    Naafs International Health Consultancy , Netherlands

  11. Jack Ronald Wall

    The University of Sydney, Australia

  12. Ian Martins

    Edith Cowan University, Australia

  13. Chung Yi Chen

    Fooyin University, Taiwan

  14. Sophia Ming Lee Wen

    Taiwan Shoufu University, Taiwan

  15. Antonio M Esquinas

    Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Spain

  16. Nelson Pérez Guerra

    University of Vigo, Spain

  17. Husain Shabbir Ali

    Hamad General Hospital, Qatar

  18. Amin ur Rehman

    Hamad General Hospital, Qatar

  19. Gustav Frans Strandvik

    Hamad General Hospital, Qatar

  20. Tommaso Tufo

    Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy

  21. Cesare Formisano

    Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II, Naples, Italy

  22. Louise B Pape-Haugaard

    Aalborg University, Denmark

  23. Fumihiko Hinoshita

    National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan

  24. Ruan Chi

    Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

  25. Sidong Xian

    Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  26. Shi-Qing Feng

    Tianjin Medical University, P.R. China

  27. Dragana Gabric

    University of Zagreb, Croatia

Associate Editors

  1. Pratikkumar Shah

    Stryker Orthopedics, USA

  2. Iryna Branets

    New York University College of Dentistry, USA

  3. Maryam Nemati Shafaee

    Baylor College of Medicine, USA

  4. Grishma Trivedi

    University of Buffalo, USA

  5. Samira Khabbazi

    The University of Queensland, Australia

  6. Boonying Siribumrungwong

    Thammasat University, Thailand

  7. Javier Robla Costales

    Hospital de Cabueñes, Spain

  8. Birgit Kramer

    MIT AgeLab, Germany

  9. Sweta Adatia

    Arabian Healthcare Group Hospital, United Arab Emirates

  10. Nasir Jalal

    Tianjin University, China

  11. Rafael Parra Medina

    Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, Colombia

  12. Marco Aurélio Gralha de Caneda

    Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

  13. Lilian Carla Carneiro

    Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

  14. Fernanda Cunha Soares

    University of Pernambuco, Brazil

  15. Diogo Sousa

    Unidade Local de Saúde do Litoral Alentejano, Portugal

  16. Any Docu Axelerad

    Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

  17. Nevin Yilmaz

    Mugla University School of Medicine, Turkey

  18. Rajendra Prasad

    Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, India

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