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Masculinities in the COVID-19 Era

  • Open or CloseCruz Garcia Lirios*
    p>Department Economy, University of Sonora, Mex

    *Corresponding author:Cruz Garcia Lirios, Department Economy, University of Sonora, Mexico

Submission: April 25, 2022;Published: June 10, 2022

DOI: 10.31031/TNN.2022.05.000607

ISSN 2637-7748
Volume5 Issue2


Studies of groups with gender identity and immigration status have shown differences that determine the quality of life and subjective well-being, but they have avoided the analysis and discussion of the ideological systems behind each category. The axes of ideological discussion were established from theoretical and conceptual frameworks related to multiculturalism, identity, and masculinity. A nonexperimental, documentary, and cross-sectional study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of sources indexed to leading repositories in Latin America with ISSN and DOI registration from 2019 to 2021. The axes of discussion of ideological problems are circumscribed to multiculturalism as a policy of exclusion of gender identities different from the masculine one which is associated to Human Development. Gender identities, masculinity among them, are reduced to their minimum expression from multicultural policies that seek the inclusion of cultures but ignore their contribution capacities from different routes to masculine. It is necessary to deepen the differences and similarities between cultures, identities and generations, since it depends on establishing the real and symbolic hegemony of some so that based on this, inclusion policies focused on government strategies rather than the formation of values, beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviors linked to risk.

Keywords:Ideology; Multiculturalism; Youth; Masculinity; Identity

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