1Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), 98164 Messina, Italy
2International Telematic University Uninettuno, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39, 00186, Roma
3Classical Linguistic Studies and Education Department, Kore University of Enna, 94100 Enna, Italy
4Department of cognitive, psychological and pedagogical sciences, and cultural studies, University of Messina, Via Concezione, 6/8, 98121 Messina
5S’Anna Institute, 88900 Crotone, Italy
6Pharmacotechnology Documentation and Transfer Unit, Preclinical and Translational Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacy, Health Science and Nutrition, University of Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata, Italy
††These authors contributed equally to the study
*Corresponding author: Flavia Marino, Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), 98164 Messina, Italy
Submission: March 17, 2023;Published: March 27, 2023
ISSN: 2576-8816Volume10 Issue 2
Remote healthcare services have emerged as a viable approach to behavior management interventions and provide emotional support to healthcare professionals in various clinical domains. They have been shown to impact the mental well-being of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and also their parents. Managing challenging behaviors in children with autism is often one of the frequent challenges parents and caregivers have to face. Our study demonstrates that the online Behavioral Skill Training (BST) program can support clinical Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) interventions in the management of problem behaviors. In fact, in our case report the use of telemedicine led to effective results including an increase in collaborative behaviors and a reduced frequency of problematic behaviors.
Keywords:Autism; Telehealth; Behavioral skills training program
Abbreviations:ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis; ABC: Antecedent Behavior Consequence; ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder; BST: Behavioral Skill Training; ABC: Antecedent Behavior Consequence; GMDS-ER: Griffiths Mental Development Scales-Extended Revised