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Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study

Enhancement of Spectral Response and Quantum Efficiency of Silicon-Based Devices Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

  • Open or CloseOday A Hammadi*

    Department of Physics, Iraq

    *Corresponding author: Enhancement of Spectral Response and Quantum Efficiency of Silicon-Based Devices Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

Submission: September 16, 2021;Published: January 31, 2022


In this work, the spectral response and quantum efficiency of silicon-based photonic device were enhanced by coating the top surface of silicon with copper oxide nanoparticles. This enhancement is based on the deposition of 10-15nm nanoparticles on silicon surface of high roughness (~110nm) to fill the volume between surface spikes. The spectral response was increased by 37% in the wavelength range of 720-880nm while the quantum efficiency was increased by 18% as the wavelength corresponding to the maximum efficiency was shifted from 580 to 680nm.

Keywords: Silicon devices; Nanoparticles; Photodetectors; Surface roughness

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