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The Impact of Sequencing Human Genome on Aging

  • Open or CloseHameed Khan A*

    National Institutes of Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) England

    *Corresponding author: Hameed Khan A, National Institutes of Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), London University, England

Submission: September 22, 2022;Published: October 13, 2022


This abstract attempts to explain by comparing the sequence of the human genomes of senior citizen every year after age seventy, we can identify the emergence of new mutations responsible for causing old age diseases like Cancers, Cardiovascular Diseases and Alzheimer. If deleterious mutations are confirmed, early treatments will extend senior’s life beyond one hundred years. If we want to colonize Mars before this decade is over, we must extend human life so that human settlers using Mars as a base could launch unmanned spacecrafts in search of nearest exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy before this century is over. Although we age and die, Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) neither age nor die; it keeps on passing information from generation to generation. Earliest unicellular life carries a single stranded DNA which grows by asexual reproduction by budding and making its own clones. In multicellular life form double stranded DNA in which homologous recombination takes place during sexual reproduction. The offspring of such union grows old and die. The laws of nature decide that all living creatures of double stranded DNA must die. If we want to defy Mother nature and extend human life span, we must seize the power from Mother nature and use the tools of genetic engineering to cut, paste, copy, and create a race of superior humans. If we want to protect, preserve, and spread human intelligence across the entire Universe, we must make every attempt to extend human life for the deep space travel. To colonize the exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, we must travel at least half the speed of light while doubling the human life span.

A note to my readers

The Impact of Sequencing Human Genomes are a series of lectures to be delivered to the scholars of the National Youth League Forum (NYLF) and the International Science Conferences. NYLF scholars are the very best and brightest students selected from all over the USA and the world brought to Washington by Envision, an outstanding organization that provides future leaders of the world. I am reproducing here part of the lecture which was delivered at the International Science Conference that was PCS 6the Annual Global Cancer Conference held on November 15-16, 2019, in Athens, Greece

Special notes

I am describing below the use of highly toxic lethal chemical weapons (Nitrogen Mustard) which was used during WWI and developed more toxic weapons during WWII. I describe the use of Nitrogen Mustard as anti-cancer agents in a semi-autographical way to accept the responsibility of its use. When we publish research papers, we share the glory and use the pronoun “We” but only when we share the glory not the misery. In this article by adding the names of my coworkers, the animal handers, will share only misery. The Safety Committee is interested to know who generated the highly lethal Chemical waste, How much was it generated and how was it disposed. I accept the responsibility. The article below sounds semiautobiographical, it is, because I am alone responsible for making these compounds of Nitrogen Mustard, Aziridines and Carbamate. To get a five-gram sample for animal screening, I must start with 80 grams of initial chemicals for a four-step synthesis. To avoid generating too much toxic chemical waste, instead of using one experiment with 80 grams, I conducted 80 experiments with one gram sample, isolating one crystal of the final product at a time. The tiny amount of waste generated at each experiment was burned and buried at a safe place according to safety committee rules.

Keywords: Evolution; Biodiversity; Mutations; Genome sequencing; Drug design; AZQ

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