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Novel Research in Sciences

Limits and Frontiers in Unidisciplinary Research

Submission: October 03, 2020;Published: October 28, 2020


There are multiple directions that have been generated in research in various areas of knowledge that start from the base of unidisciplinary studies. Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity in research are evident, but what are the limits and horizons? This is not possible in some actions or studies where all of this can be done without losing sight of one’s own training or unidisciplinary approach. Here the phrase “shoemaker to your shoes” fits. This is explained as an epistemological overshoot and makes sense from an explanation of knowledge and its interpretation from the perspective of the human being, since it involves cognitive processes and levels.This brief text has the objective of exposing among the philosophical community of science a state of the question that, in some cases, has taken unexpected and unfavorable directions for research and disciplinary praxis, as in the case of heritage, of historical centers and other aspects derived from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Everything based on observation and experimentation, and above all from the experience of research, in the light of some publications and some actions on the built cultural heritage, including the industrial one.

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