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Novel Research in Sciences

Limits and Frontiers in Unidisciplinary Research

Andrés Armando H*, Margarita Teutli L andPrimitivo Lezama S

Teacher and Researcher, Faculty of Architecture BUAP, México

*Corresponding author: Andrés Armando H, Teacher and Researcher, Faculty of Architecture BUAP, México

Submission: October 03, 2020;Published: October 28, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2020.05.000603

Volume5 Issue1
October, 2020


There are multiple directions that have been generated in research in various areas of knowledge that start from the base of unidisciplinary studies. Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity in research are evident, but what are the limits and horizons? This is not possible in some actions or studies where all of this can be done without losing sight of one’s own training or unidisciplinary approach. Here the phrase “shoemaker to your shoes” fits. This is explained as an epistemological overshoot and makes sense from an explanation of knowledge and its interpretation from the perspective of the human being, since it involves cognitive processes and levels.This brief text has the objective of exposing among the philosophical community of science a state of the question that, in some cases, has taken unexpected and unfavorable directions for research and disciplinary praxis, as in the case of heritage, of historical centers and other aspects derived from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Everything based on observation and experimentation, and above all from the experience of research, in the light of some publications and some actions on the built cultural heritage, including the industrial one.

Diversity of approaches to the debate

The current training in academies and its reflection in the fields of research is complex, diverse and, in some cases, depending on the ethics and prudence of the researcher, the conditions of their results and production that express in a timely manner: their ethical level, as well as a clear level of training, but, on the other hand, it is also appreciated that it has exceeded the limits of specialties and training in the face of the need to "publish to publish", or under the scoop of an identifiable "protagonism". In this framework, it is necessary to understand that the conditions of the various topics require research, although it starts from a unidisciplinary approach, but that can adapt content and knowledge from other branches to explain aspects that do not find an answer within the discipline itself. Within this framework, the conditions of the research show the need to continue expanding the horizons of training. The specialties, appreciated in the master's degrees, or masters, in the Mexican case allow students to enter new fields not studied, or perhaps with a lesser level of depth, on some topics and contents. Then, in the case, also Mexican, it shows the continuity in the doctoral studies; in the various disciplines the particular conjugations allow the student-professionals to have a cultural background for praxis in the broader real field.

On the other hand, it is known that the advancement of studies varies according to the progress of science, technology and the dynamic processes of education. [1] in his article: "Analytical induction as a sociological method from a historical perspective" (s/p). It contains three topics that allow to enter the reader and the investigation itself in a correct, limited interpretation and through the knowledge of each field clearly explain the approach. In the theory of knowledge, several authors mention that the way of approaching knowledge is conditioned by historical, social and ideological processes; and within this framework, by disciplinary conditions.

The explanation of the forms of knowledge from other disciplines should serve to fill the gaps, base, explain and understand the perspectives and subtopics that are derived from a discipline. Interdisciplinarity, quality of interdisciplinary. Rae: “interdisciplinary, ria 1. adj. Said of a study or other activity: That is carried out with the cooperation of several disciplines ”, the transdisciplinary, is not in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, but yes, the multidisciplinary; in this context there are limits and borders. However, despite the fact that they are widely used in academic research, new directions are required in the explanations and foundations [2] consider that the: "Metalogue as a tool for transdisciplinary collaboration", exposes how there are certain Wildcard words or concepts to be used in discourse that go beyond other disciplines.


The discussion focuses on the fact that the limits and frontiers in research require in a broad and inclusive sense that knowledge and diversity of approaches, but not lose sight of the contributions and the unidisciplinary areas themselves. However, in works of various authors where works are exhibited.


  1. Sosa A (2019) Analytical induction as a sociological method from a historical perspective. Moebio tape. Journal of Epistemology of Social Sciences 64: 11-30.
  2. Urquiza A, Catalina F, Marco B, Guilherme B, Barbara M (2018) Metalogue as a tool for transdisciplinary collaboration. Moebio tape. Journal of Epistemology of Social Sciences 62: 182-198.

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