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Novel Research in Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Singularity at Future Horizon

  • Open or CloseSadique Shaikh*

    Institute of Management and Sciences, India

    *Corresponding author:Sadique Shaikh, Institute of Management and Sciences, India

Submission: January 13, 2020;Published: February 6, 2020


The term technical singularity or in simply singularity itself very ambiguous because several write-ups, postulates, theories and hypothesizes but the concern of all these again reach to same singularity of conclusion is singularity occurred in near future with including my conclusion on the basis of law of technological acceleration return. Now before to explain let’s have overview on Nanotechnology and Moore’s Law “size of numbers of transistors decreases with density of number of transistors increases on silicon chip with respective year and time”. Hence “inelegant and smart devices miniaturization each year”. Therefore, divides become more and more smart, Artificial Intelligence based, self-programmable, self-controllable, self-decision makers with high degree of compaction.

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