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Atatürk University, Turkey
Prof Dr. Alparslan Dilsiz was born in Erzurum, Turkey, in 1976. He has graduated from Atatürk University in 1998. He completed his Ph.D. in Atatürk University in 2003. He has been a member of the European Federation of Periodontology since 2003. He has fulfilled several studies on “Periodontology, Periodontal Surgery, Laser therapy and Dentistry” in and out of Turkey, he had some articles published in the eminent journals in field of Dentistry, particularly in field of Periodontology, and having attended several conferences in and out of Turkey. He has taken place in the Board of the Faculty of Dentistry in Atatürk University several times. He is maintaining some studies on Periodontology at the moment.
Ege University, Turkey
Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Buldur received his Dental Degree and Doctorate Degree in Pediatric Dentistry from Cumhuriyet University, Turkey where he has been teaching and practicing Pediatric Dentistry since 2009. Dr. Buldur has been authoring many scientific articles, and serves as a reviewer/board member/editor to many national and international journals. He is an active member of a number of professional organizations including the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. His academic interests include behavior management, dental anxiety, pediatric endodontics, regenerative endodontics and qualitative research in dentistry.
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, USA
Assistant Professor in Comprehensive Care at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He serves as PI in clinical trials mainly involving restorations materials and clinical methods. He also oversees both clinical as well as bench research projects focused on dental materials and devices evaluation and development.
Texas A & M University Health Science Center, USA
Creighton University, USA
Lasaks.r.o., Belgium
Curd Bollen was born in 1969 in Belgium. He studied dentistry at the Universities of Hasselt and Leuven (1987-1992). Afterwards he started his training in periodontology and implantology, as assistant at the same Catholic University in Leuven (head: Prof. dr. D. van Steenberghe). In that same period, he began his PhD-research, which he finalized in 1996 with his promotion. The title of his PhD-thesis was: “Full-mouth disinfection and hard surface smoothening reduce the subgingivalmicrobial load”. In 1997 he received his MSc-diploma in periodontology and implantology at the same university. In 2016 he obtained his MClinDent in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, US. He has published more than 25 international scientific articles in peer reviewed dental journals. He also published 20 national articles. Dr. Bollen is co-author of several books in the field of periodontology and halitosis. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders &Therapyandeditor of 4 other online dental journals. In 1998, he started a private clinic limited to periodontology, halitosis and implantology; first in Belgium, afterwards in the Netherlands. He remained part-time lecturer at different universities (Liege, Nijmegen, Bonn and Dusseldorf). In Düsseldorf he was clinical assistant professor till 2012. Since 2016, he is consultant/research advisor for several companies: Lasak (Czech Republic)-Orthosera (Hungary)-DYNA (The Netherlands)-Medentis (Germany).
Mohammed Bin Rashid University for Medicine and Health Sciences, UAE
Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Jaber was the professor and head of the Surgical Sciences Department at the Dental College of Ajman University of Science and Technology. He was also the Director of Quality Assurance and Institutional effectiveness Unit of Ajman University of Science and Technology. His clinical work includes management of patients with oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ diseases and trigeminal neuralgia. Management of patients with oral premalignant lesions and patients with oral epithelial dysplasia, chronic facial pain patient, and performing oral surgical procedures under local with or without sedation (IV) and general anaesthesia. Dr. Jaber has many publications in peer-reviewed journals. And act as peer reviewers for many journals. He serve as academic editor of Applied Life Science International Journal and Associate Editor/Editorial Board member of Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities, Open Journal of Stomatology, Applied Scientific Reports, J of Dental Problems & Solutions, Aperito Journal of Oral Health & Dentistry, International journal of Oral and Dental Health and International Journal of Experimental Dental Science. His research interest includes Oral epithelial dysplasia, Oral Cancer, Oral pre-cancer, facial trauma and dental education. He also received numerous awards including Al-Awais Award for Scientific Research and selected as Fellow by the Academy of Dentistry International Ohio, USA. This is in recognition for the outstanding achievement in the field of dentistry and for the services to the profession. Currently Prof Jaber is the director of the oral surgery graduate program at Hamdan Bin Mohammed College of Dental Medicine, MBR University for Medicine and Health Sciences.
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Royal College of Surgeons, United Kingdom
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Adnan Catovic is a specialist and primarius in Prosthodontics. He is full Professor of Fixed Prosthodontics and Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, University of Zagreb and Head of Poyclinic Dental Clinic University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, Croatia. He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb 1977. He was Research Assistant at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb, University lecturer and research associate in 1987. He was elected for Associate Professor and senior research associate in 1995 and Full Professor and scientific advisor from 1999-2001. He was Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb. He was Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, School of Medicine, Study of Dental Medicine,University of Rijeka from 2001 to 2003. Now he is the Head of the Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb and Head of the Polyclinic of Dental Clinic University Hospital Center Zagreb. He was a lecturer at numerous scientific and professional conferences and has published over 150 scientific papers. He was a leader and principal investigator of the scientific project "Teeth, materials and prosthetics appliances in adolescent and geriatric population”. He was author of two textbooks of Fixed prosthodontics and Geriatric dentistry and co-author in two textbooks of Geriatric Medicine and Dental Radiology. He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Croatian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, Croatian Medical Association, European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) and the European College of Gerodontology (ECG). He is a member of several Editorial boards of the International Journals in Dentistry and Medicine.
Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico
Doctor Gutierrez has completed his carrier and his Postgraduate in the Faculty of Odontology from Autonomous University of Yucatan in 2004 at the age of 27 years. He is a clinical professor of pregrade and posgrade of Endodontics in the Faculty of Odontology from Anahuac Mayab University since 2005 to present. He is a dentist recertified for the Mexican Dental Association and is a member for the Mexican Endodontists Association. Likewise he is deputy director in the area of Endodontic on the student Magazine of the Mexican Dental Association and is Professor from the same since 2012 to present. National lecturer in various congress and seminars in all Mexican Republic and his private practice is only dedicated to Endodontics. He has served in the Education Committee of the Yucatecan Dental Association.
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Professor Ziad N Al-Dwairi works as Vice Dean and Director of Dental Teaching Clinics at Faculty of Dentistry at Jordan University of Science and technology. He is Professor of fixed and removable prosthodontics and Implant dentistry at Jordan University of Science and Technology, holds PhD in Prosthodontics, Queens University/Belfast, UK in 2001, Membership of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDSRCPS-Glasg) in 2017 and Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MFDSRCS-Ed)/2017 and membership of Faculty of General Dental Practice; MFGDP (UK) in 2017. He is the President of Jordanian Section of International Association for Dental Research. He is Jordans Representative at OSAP( Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures). He worked as vice president of the Restorative Dentistry Committee at Jordan Medical Council and currently Member of the National Committee for contentious medical education at Jordan Medical Council and member of the advisory team of Dooox ( He is a former member of University Council at Jordan University of Science and Technology and worked as Chairman of the Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry at Jordan University of Science and Technology and a Former Dean Assistant/ Faculty of Dentistry/ Jordan University of Science and Technology. He holds several International prizes and honors. He is currently involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate students in all field of Prosthodontics in addition to involvement in advanced programs for MFDS Trainees, High specialty trainees and advanced clinical trainees in Prosthodontics He supervised several MSc students as a main and a co advisor and as an examiner for more than 27 theses in all disciplines of Prosthodontics with more than 47 publications in high impact international journals. In addition, he works as a reviewer for 37 International Peer reviewed Journals and on editorial board of 29 International Journals.
Dicle University, Turkey
Ibrahim Medical College, Bangladesh
Mansoura University, Egypt
Essam Farouk Soussa graduated from Alexandria University, Egypt (BDS 1980). He had a Master of Master Degree in Oral Biology (M.Sc.D.), November 1984 Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University and a Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) in Oral Biology, April 1989 Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University. He worked in Oral Biology Department Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University from 28/2/1982, Attending Scientific Mission as a scholar contributions as Research following oral Biology in the University of Illinois at Chicago, college of Dentistry and Research studies in oral physiology in the Medical college of Georgia school of Dentistry from July 15 to October 11, 1996. Attending several workshops on medical education and professional developing, Developing effective teaching portfolios, Assessment strategies, Teaching & Assessing Professionalism, strategies for improving research outcomes. He had been Head of the Oral Biology Department from 18/12/2000 - 30/8/2002. Vice Dean of Postgraduate & Research in Dental Faculty from 21/10/2001 to 30/8/2002. Professor in College of dentistry, University of Dammam (Formerly King Faisal University) College Of Dentistry from 1/9/2002 to 1/9/2013. Currently, Professor in Oral Biology Department Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University. Professor part-time in college of Dentistry Horus University. He is a President of Egyptian Salivary glands Society, Membership in the Saudi dental society and Association des Medicines Franco-phones. He had been presented oral Presentations and posters in Local and International Conferences. He published more than 30 scientific publications in Egyptian and international journals. And During his career he had successfully supervised more than 10 M.Sc. D, and PhD students and several Thesis he discussed. Arbitrators Member to examine the scientific production for positions professors and assistant professor from 26/9/2016. Recently as editorial board member for the Dental Journal, Oral Disorders & Therapy, EC Dental Science & Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research editorial panel, Reviewer for Cogent Biology, Advances in Dentistry and Oral Health (ADOH), Mansoura dental journal.
Mosul University, Iraq
Cairo University, Egypt
Mansoura University, Egypt
University of L Aquila , Italy
Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, USA
New York University, USA
Lsuhsc School of Dentistry, USA
University Place, USA
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, USA
NYU College of Dentistry, USA
King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia
Istanbul University, Turkey
Gazi University, Turkey
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
University of Malaya, Malaysia
University of Belgrade, Serbia
University of Monastir, Tunisia
University of Blida, Algeria
Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Tishreen University, Syria
Vidhya Shikshan Dental College and Research Center, India
King George Medical University, India
Ph.D in Agriculture from Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Research Professor, PhD, Holistic Research Institute
Professor, Chief Doctor, Director of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Associate Director of Department of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor Tongji hospital, Tongji medical college, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Senior Research Engineer and Professor, Center for Refining and Petrochemicals, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR), Edith Cowan University, Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute
Chancellor Emeritus / Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Physics, University of Missouri–St. Louis
Ph.D in Science from the Federal University of Alagoas, UFAL, Brazil
Assistant Professor in College of Architecture, Art and Design
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Director of Biomechanics Laboratory, Sport Science Innovation Program, Bridgewater State University
Professor of numerous training courses in Family Medicine
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Emeritus Professor of Physics, Kadir Has University, Turkey
Wenzhou Medical University, China
Fooyin University, Taiwan
Saglik Bilimleri University, Turkey
Vincent Pol University, Poland
National Defence University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Dogus University, Turkey
Hope College, USA
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Southern Cross University, Australia
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
City University of New York, USA
Khalifa University of Science & Technology, United Arab Emirates
Hebei Normal University, China
Alexandria University, Egypt
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Council for Agriculture Research and Analysis of Agri Economy (CREA), Italy
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
University of Oregon, USA
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
University of Tennessee, USA
Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela
Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Iran
Tourin University, Italy
Teaching & Public Speaking, Spain
Paeditric Hospital "Giovanni XXIII", Italy
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain
Oral Roberts University, USA
Beijing Normal University, China
Howard University, USA
Edith Cowan University, Australia
Dubai Health Authority, UAE
University of Minnesota, USA
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Serhal Hospital, Lebanon
University of Malta, Malta
National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
Molloy College, USA
Federal University of Piauí, Brazil
Krankenhaus Nordwest Hospital, Germany
Belgorod State University, Russia
Laval University, Canada
Cinvestav-Unidad Saltillo, Mexico
UPMC Hamot Neuroscience Institute, USA
Ramon Llull University, Spain
White Bear Associates, LLC, USA
Lehigh University, USA
California Southern University, USA
Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS, Russia
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mansoura University, Egypt
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
University of Coimbra, Portugal