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Modern Research in Dentistry

From Rough Surface to Peri-implantitis, Hybrid Implants and Subcrustal Implant Placement: A Mini Review of Last Decade Research and Clinical Findings in Implant Dentistry
  • Open or CloseWitold Tomkiewicz and Andrzej Wojtowicz*

    Department of Oral Surgery, Warsaw Medical Univeristy, Polish Association in Implantology

    *Corresponding author:Andrzej Wojtowicz,Department of Oral Surgery, Warsaw Medical University, Polish Association in Implantology

Submission: November 23, 2020 Published: December 04, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/MRD.2020.05.000623

Volume5 Issue5


Continuous effort to safely apply occlusal load immediately, or as early as possible, led thru improved titanium surfaces to give more rapid osseointegration on a bigger implant surface (BIC). Around year 2000 increasing implant roughness became a key with a wish to inoculate active, bone growing factors in it. Surprisingly after few years a totally new phenomenon of progressive bone loss around implants was observed and coined ‘peri-implantitis’ as a parallel to ‘periodontitis’. Similar pathogens became a suspect however exposed rough surface is the main trigger. Retrospective studies of machined implants led to hybrid implant design on one hand and recommendations of subcrestal placement of fully rough implants on the other(Figure 1). Additionally, more emphasis has been put on surgical technique and timing.

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