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Universities of Waterloo, Canada
Christopher Bryant has a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1970) and has been Professor at the Universities of Waterloo (1070-1990) and Montréal (1990 to 2014) and is currently Adjunct Professor, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph (1912 onwards), and he is also Adjunct Professor, Geography Department, University of Montreal (2014 onwards).
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS, Azerbaijan
I, Aliyev Zakir Husein oglu was born in 03/05/1949, in the family of an employee. In 1972 he graduated with honors from the Department of Mechanical Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. Po end of ASOA in 1972, in the face of a specialist with higher education being, a tendency to engage in research activities was taken in Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute (AzINMASh) for the position of Art . engineer in the department "wellhead", where he worked on 1975. In 1975, due to the results of earlier research papers employed in the profile of activities and thematic community ( study "inventory of land water resources, and the dynamics of its change." "" Structural changes of the earth "," Caspian Sea environmental problems, and the atmosphere surface air surface ", etc.) has been invited to work in the Academy of Sciences of Az. SSR. the Scientific Center "Caspian", which later functioned as the introduction of "Glavkosmos" of the USSR (now called the "Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency - ANASA"), where he worked on 1994. In the period of 1975-1994 years of working in the organization in various responsible positions (Head of Sector, Head. Laboratory, Head. Department, Ch. Technologist, Ch. Engineer Company, Deputy. Director of the plant, the plant manager, the head of the scientific-technical complex) involved development, creation and implementation of a number of scientific and technical projects and thematic programs for agricultural purposes including work performed by special resolution CM Az. Republic titled "Space of Azerbaijan national economy", which was one of the leading specialists in the direction of subjects. Occupying positions of responsibility in ANASA system, was the supervisor of a number of these projects (R & D) and many others participated directly in the face of the leading in the direction of, the results of which have been successfully implemented in all areas of agricultural production, not only in Azerbaijan, but also in other states CIS, Turkey, Iran. In 1994 he was invited to work in the Baku office VNPO "Rainbow" (now renamed the Institute of Erosion and Irrigation of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences of the Republic), worked here on the following positions: Head. Design department, director SKTB, Head. complex development department, creation and implementation of low-intensity irrigation systems, and now, and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Erosion and Irrigation of the Republic of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences on scientific work, which is now. I have a degree d.f.a. sciences, associate professor, she is the author of over 200 published scientific works, including 10 and weighty monographs and more than 15 patents, many of which have found large-scale introduction in production of farmers and others. Farms both in Azerbaijan and in other CIS countries (bw Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia) as well as in Turkey, Poland and Iran. Taking part in the implementation of a large number of international scientific and economic projects implemented in the framework of the program, "FAO" "ICARDA", "Azerbaijan-Russia-Turkey". . "The Azerbaijani-Polish" and others, where he was executive in charge of development, whose works are also successfully introduced agriculture in many countries: in the CIS and far abroad.
Washington State University, USA
Countries in the Arab region still face numerous challenges in food security. The historic events of the “Arab Awakening” have manifested that these challenges must be overcome urgently. There are discussions from many voices on what Arab country governments should do, both in the short‐ and longer term, to reach their food security, poverty reduction, and job creation goals. Yet the roadmap to reach these goals remains subject to much debate. The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), jointly with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN‐ESCWA), invites you to participate in an international conference, ”A Food Secure Arab World: A Roadmap for Policy and Research,” which aims to set priorities to achieve these goals. This conference is organized in collaboration with the Economic Research Forum, the University of Cairo, and the American University of Beirut, the University of Rabat, and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Area. The conference, which will take place on February 6 and 7, 2012, in Beirut, Lebanon, will present a situation analysis of food security and poverty in the region, and identify promising policies, technological and institutional innovations, and priorities of investments. IFPRI Director General Shenggen Fan and UN‐ESCWA Deputy Executive Secretary Nadim Khouri will give welcoming remarks. We would be honored if you would agree to participate in the conference proceedings. The first day will feature presentations from high‐level regional and international experts and policymakers on issues related to: • ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION, FOOD SECURITY AND POVERTY REDUCTION • AGRICULTURE, WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE • GOVERNANCE, TRADE AND CONFLICT • HEALTH, NUTRITION AND SOCIAL TRANSFER The second day will focus on priority setting, and will feature: • MAKING FDI WORK FOR FOOD SECURITY • SETTING FOOD SECURITY POLICY PRIORITIES: AN INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS’ PERSPECTIVE • SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FOOD SECURITY RESEARCH AND ACTION
Agricultural Economics and Policy Research Center, Sudan
I am an affiliated policy research professor in AEPRC_ Agricultural Economics & Policy Research Centre. I graduated from WSU, with a doctorate in agricultural economics with emphasis in production and finance in 1987. Co/authored over 40 publications in food/nutritional security poverty/livelihood, climate change and trade. Recently, I do have fair experience with WB modelling module for Low Carbon Development – EFFECTS, finance for climate change and WB ADePT Automated Economic Analysis Platform for developing core environmental indicators in National Accounts (Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq). Accordingly, I have a combined long-term experience in both applied research and as practitioner of field operation/management in the areas of policy & capacity development, performance and impact evaluation, food security/food aid and livelihood and rural development in Africa, Central Asia and MENA region. My fair experience in statistic, econometrics and mathematical programing include STATA, GAMS, SPSS, Commodity Value Chains software, GTAP, LINDO, OLS / MLHM (Ordinary Least Squares/ Maximum Likelihood Method), NCSS, DASI, Experience in using OECD DAC standards and DeGEval Criteria and Templates for Evaluating Development Assistance. I have fair experience in postgraduate and research studies and ‘am well connected to international research institutes and donor forums, GTAP, ERF, AERC, UNU and WTO. I do attend the annual meeting for the GIZ CD in Bad Honnef, Germany, 10 donors including the WB. Finally, I have taken intensive courses on USAID, UN and EU PME Modules and ToR templates related to poverty reduction, food/nutritional security and climate change. Finally, I am awarded honorary fellowship certificate from the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials in 2017.
Technical University of Georgia, Georgia
He is an author of 101 manuscripts, 16 books (monographs) among them with other authors. He is a Senior Researcher in The Polytechnic University of Georgia. He is an editorial board member of American journals: 1. International Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species’’ (Gavin Publishers), 2. Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy’’ (Crimson Publishers), 3. JOJ Sciences’’ (Juniper Publishers/Juniper Journals), 4. Current Trends in Forest Research’’ (Gavin Publishers) 5. Journal of Plant Science: Current Research’’ (Herald Scholarly Open Access). Reviewer of journals: 1 Annals of Agrarian Science’’(Elsevier), 2 American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry’’ (Science PG), 3. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment’’ (Academic Journals), 4. Anthropology open access’’ (Gavin Publishers).
University of Botswana, Botswana
I joined the University of Botswana as Staff Development Fellow in 1988. In 1991, upon completion of MPhil degree I was appointed a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences. I was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2006. In 2008 I was appointed Head, Department of Biological Sciences. From 2011 to 2017 as served the Faculty of Science as Deputy Dean. In 2011 I was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Universidad de Sevilla, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Vicente Mariscal has been developed mainly in the study of the molecular biology of photosynthetic microorganisms. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular biology where he has studied the transport systems mediating inorganic nitrogen uptake in microalgae. Later, during his postdoc, He worked in biochemistry and cell biology of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. He is currently developing a research line based on the study of mutually beneficial interactions between soil microorganisms and plant species of agricultural interest, with the aim of obtaining new biofertilizers that improve the growth of agri-food plants.
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Kansas State University, USA
Washington State University, USA
Dr. Long-Xi Yu received his PhD degree from University of Orleans, France, and completed postdoctoral research at Cornell University. He is a leading scientist in USDA-ARS Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing Research Unit at Prosser WA. Dr. Yu has conducted research in plant genetics for 30 years. He has authored or co-authored more than 80 publications, received 50 special invitations to present seminars or review papers. He serves in editorial board for a number of Journals and committees.
Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Huada Daniel Ruan, Dual PhD, Professor and Founding Head of the Department of Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC). Prof. Ruan earned his first PhD in Mineralogy from The University of Western Australia, and second PhD in Chemistry from Queensland University of Technology. He has a background in chemistry, earth sciences, environmental science, and biological science with more than 25 years of experience in teaching and research in Australia, the U.S., Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, and published more than 120 articles. Prof. Ruan is the pioneer researcher established non-point water pollution index in Australia, found and confirmed that 0.02 ppm of phosphorus is the critical value of water eutrophication. His research achievement also include mineral chemistry at Queensland University of Technology, Australia that contributed to a significant increase (2-5%) in the extraction of alumina from bauxite; the bio-chemical remediation of contaminated soils at Purdue University U.S.A. had contributed to the stabilization of heavy metals Cr and Pb biologically and chemically; participation in air pollution monitoring, indoor air quality, food safety and labeling, electronic waste treatment and certification in Hong Kong. He has been invited to be the Adjunct Professor, Griffith University, Australia, Visiting Professor, South China Agricultural University, Visiting Research Professor, Research Institute of Ecology and Soil Science, Guangdong Academy of Science, Honorary Consultant, Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalist, Vice Chairman of the Environmental Subcommittee, Hong Kong Association of Testing, Inspection and Certification, Jury Member of Court, Queensland, Australia, Zhuhai City Committee Member of Emergency Management. He is a Certified Auditor of ISO9001 and ISO14001, editor/reviewer of a number of international journals and an active member of a number of international professional associations.
University of Helsinki, Finland
Antonios (Anthony) N. Rezitis is currently a professor in ‘Agricultural Policy’ at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Helsinki (Finland) and also holds a professorship position in ‘Economics and Agricultural Economics’ at the Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises of University of Patras (Greece). In 1986, he received a Bachelor degree in agricultural sciences with a major in agricultural economics from the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece). Then he obtained two Masters Degrees, one in agricultural economics from Rutgers University, USA, in 1990 and another in economics from North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA, in 1991. He obtained a Ph.D. in economics from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (NCSU), USA, in 1995. For the period from September 1995 to June 1997, he served as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (NCSU). During the period from March 1998 until August 2000, he served as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Agricultural Economics Department of the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), Department of Agriculture of the University of Thessaly (Greece) and Department of Economics of the University of Ioannina (Greece). In August 2000, he was appointed Lecturer at the Department of Economics of the University of Ioannina (Greece). In 2002, he was appointed Assistant Professor in ‘Economics’ at the Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises (Agrinio Campus) of the University of Patras (Greece). In September of 2008, he was promoted Associate Professor in ‘Economics’ and then in May 2013, he promoted Professor in ‘Economics and Agricultural Economics’ at the same Department. From January 2015, he also holds a professorship position in ‘Agricultural Policy’ at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Helsinki (Finland). His research focuses in price transmission and volatility along the supply chain of agricultural products and food markets; measuring market power and analyzing market structure in the food industry; modeling supply response in livestock production under price volatility and CAP reforms; measuring efficiency, technical change and productivity in agricultural production; studying convergence among agricultural sectors of different countries; modelling dynamic input demand for agricultural processing industries
Bialystok University of Technology, Netherlands
Education: University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry. (M.S. 1961 in Chemistry (X-ray Crystallography), Polish Academy of Sciences, (PhD 1974 in technical sciences/polymer physics) DSc. in Materials Science (2000). Professional experience: 1960-62 technical assistant, 1962-64 assistant at the Department of Crystallography, the University of Warsaw;1964-67 research fellow at the Research Institute of General Chemistry in Warsaw, 1968-74 research fellow at the Laboratory of Polymer Physics in the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences; 1974-75 postdoctoral associate at the University Massachusetts (USA); Since 1975 Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences. 1976-1980 Deputy Principal Investigator in the NSF-sponsored joint Polish-American research project on polymer crystallization - cooperation with the University of Massachusetts. 1979, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 short term visiting scientist at Kyoto University (Japan), Dept. of Polymer Chemistry; 1982-83 and 1989-91 visiting scientist at the University of Duisburg (D) Dept. of Applied Physics. 2005 Visiting professor (ERASMUS/SOCRATES) at Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal, 1994 – 2004 Member (elected) of the Commission of Analysis of Polymers at Polish Academy of Sciences. Evaluator of papers for several international scientific journals (J. Wiley, Elsevier). Evaluator of projects for Polish_Norwegian Financial Mechanism and European Community Investment Funds managed by Polish Authorities. Evaluator of research projects submittet to National Centre of Research and Development, Member of the scientific organizations: Society of Plastic Engineers (USA) -gold grade, American Chemical Society, ESAFORM - European Scientific Association for Material Forming (F) (during 2000 – 2002 elected member of the Board of Directors), Polish Association of Inventors and Rationalisers, Polish Association of Computer Science, Polish Society of Production Management. IEEE- Computer Society, IEEE – Technology and Engineering Management Society, Association of Engineering, Project and production Management. Since Oct. 2000 Professor at Bialystok University of Technology, Coordinator of the European Commission project ”Centre of Sustainable Development and Environmental Management”. Between Oct. 2001 and Feb. 29. 2012 also professor at Bialystok School of Economics – chair of Applied Computer Science. Since 26. 05. 2011 Fellow of the Committee of Production Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences
Fooyin University, Taiwan
President Chen obtained PhD in 1999 at Kaohsiung Medical University. Currently teaches in Fooyin University, as most young is also the most senior professors and deans. The past 20 years, he has his scientific interests focused on life-threatening diseases, including traditional Chinese medicine used for cancer research. Analysis in recent year’s major active ingredients such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon used in gastrointestinal cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, and other topics. President Chen specializes in isolation, purification and structural analysis of active components of plants. President Chen directed against active constituents of oral cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer. President Chen was just over 45 years old, but his work has more than 200 papers, Taiwan one of the young talents. Professor Chen was invited more than 90 kinds of Journal editorial boards. Professor Chen won numerous awards at home and abroad, from 2015, was awarded the lifetime achievement award; from 2016 was awarded the health care & biotechnology merit award.
Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia
Quanzhou Normal University, China
Nanjing Agricultural University, China
China Agriculture University, China
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
University of Guelph, Canada
Vijay Bhosekar has more than 25 years of experience as a Faculty, Research Manager and Research Associate at ANGR Agricultural University in India. After immigrating to Canada in 2005. He worked as Agribusiness Consultant in Toronto until 2011. A lifelong learner. He returned to Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada in 2007, attaining a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Sciences. Following these studies, Dr. Bhosekar joined University of Guelph, Canada as Project Liaison (International Development Research Centre) where he worked from 2011 onwards. While working in India, he was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award – a distinction presented "for outstanding contribution to the promotion of international understanding, goodwill and friendship among people of the world." This nomination was presented in recognition of Dr. Bhosekar’s outstanding research work in compliance with its authenticity, ensuring its quality and positive impact relevant to farmers’ needs. He has published more than 75 peer reviewed scientific publications and has presented in numerous seminars on his area of expertise. At present Director Scientific Communications, Rodale Institute is involved with diverse Organic projects- farming systems, bioenergy studies and vegetable production systems. His field of expertise- Crop Nutrition, Water Management, Crop Physiology, Weed Management, Cropping Systems.
Agricultural University of Lisbon, Portugal
Russian State Agrarian University, Russia
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. sc. Dragan Znidarcic collaborated on 14 national research projects. So far, as the author/coauthor he published 61 scientific papers cited in the WoS database, 48 scientific papers cited in other databases (CAB), and 27 scientific papers and 31 abstracts in conference proceedings.
Texas A & M University, USA
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Universitat de Lleida, Spain
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Peking University, China
University of Tasmania, Australia
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Bucharest, Romania
Agricultural University of Krakow, Poland
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Iowa State University, China
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Cameroon
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Auburn University, USA
Alexandria University, Egypt
University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Yeditepe University, Turkey
University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia
Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Egypt
University of Baghdad, Turkey
Damanhour University, Egypt
University Donja Gorica, Montenegrin
University of Alberta, Canada
University of Arizona, USA
University in Minya, Egypt
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Nanchang University, China
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
University of Goettingen, Germany
University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Croatian
Ph.D in Agriculture from Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Research Professor, PhD, Holistic Research Institute
Professor, Chief Doctor, Director of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Associate Director of Department of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor Tongji hospital, Tongji medical college, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Senior Research Engineer and Professor, Center for Refining and Petrochemicals, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR), Edith Cowan University, Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute
Chancellor Emeritus / Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Physics, University of Missouri–St. Louis
Ph.D in Science from the Federal University of Alagoas, UFAL, Brazil
Assistant Professor in College of Architecture, Art and Design
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Director of Biomechanics Laboratory, Sport Science Innovation Program, Bridgewater State University
Professor of numerous training courses in Family Medicine
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Emeritus Professor of Physics, Kadir Has University, Turkey
Wenzhou Medical University, China
Fooyin University, Taiwan
Saglik Bilimleri University, Turkey
Vincent Pol University, Poland
National Defence University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Dogus University, Turkey
Hope College, USA
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Southern Cross University, Australia
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
City University of New York, USA
Khalifa University of Science & Technology, United Arab Emirates
Hebei Normal University, China
Alexandria University, Egypt
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Council for Agriculture Research and Analysis of Agri Economy (CREA), Italy
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
University of Oregon, USA
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
University of Tennessee, USA
Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela
Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Iran
Tourin University, Italy
Teaching & Public Speaking, Spain
Paeditric Hospital "Giovanni XXIII", Italy
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain
Oral Roberts University, USA
Beijing Normal University, China
Howard University, USA
Edith Cowan University, Australia
Dubai Health Authority, UAE
University of Minnesota, USA
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Serhal Hospital, Lebanon
University of Malta, Malta
National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
Molloy College, USA
Federal University of Piauí, Brazil
Krankenhaus Nordwest Hospital, Germany
Laval University, Canada
Cinvestav-Unidad Saltillo, Mexico
UPMC Hamot Neuroscience Institute, USA
Ramon Llull University, Spain
White Bear Associates, LLC, USA
Lehigh University, USA
California Southern University, USA
Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS, Russia
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mansoura University, Egypt
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
University of Coimbra, Portugal