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Global Journal of Endocrinological Metabolism

Development of a Human-Machine System in the Form of a Person in a Passive Exoskeleton with Two Types of Spring Elements

  • Open or CloseBorisov AV*

    The Smolensk Branch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russia

    *Corresponding author:Borisov AV, The Smolensk Branch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Russia

Submission: December 05, 2020 Published: February 26, 2021

DOI: 10.31031/GJEM.2021.03.000562

ISSN 2637-8019
Volume3 Issue3


The proposed model of the protective passive exoskeleton with spring elements addresses the following problems: autonomous working of exoskeleton while keeping some of the advantages of active exoskeletons and increasing the user comfort, unloading the human musculoskeletal system and protecting it. The proposed model differs from the existing [1- 3] ones by the availability of variable-length links [4-6]. These links enhance the comfort of the user operating the exoskeleton and make this operation more energy-efficient as the exoskeleton features the energy recuperators of two types: torsion and compression springs. These features make the consumer properties of passive exoskeletons close to those of active exoskeletons, although the designs of the former ones are simpler and cheaper.

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