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Gerontology & Geriatrics Studies

The Man with the Highest I.Q. Validates the Cellular Dust Hypothesis

Seun Ayoade*

Department of Physiology, Nigeria

*Corresponding author:Seun Ayoade, Department of Physiology, Nigeria

Submission: May 09, 2022; Published: May 19, 2022

DOI: 10.31031/GGS.2022.07.000672

ISSN 2578-0093
Volume7 Issue5

Letter to Editor

“In other words, we come to the inevitable conclusion that the subsistence of the irreversible second law of thermodynamics in the same universe as the reversible laws concerning the motion of particles is a paradox, both from that point of view and from the fact that this second law, pushed to its logical conclusion, leads back to a mysterious creation which denies all physical laws whatever” [1]. Allegedly, the highest Intelligence Quotient [I.Q.] score ever recorded for a human being is 300. And this human being was William James Sidis [1898-1944], the youngest person ever admitted to Harvard. William James Sidis was so intelligent he started his degree in mathematics at the age of eleven. He also allegedly spoke 25 languages and even invented a language of his own [Vendergood]. Genius as he was, he rightly concluded that Darwin’s theory of evolution was total balderdash-as it was incompatible to the second Law of Thermodynamics. Due to this incompatibility, James Sidis postulated that a “reverse universe” and a “reserve energy” of sorts had to exist that bridged the gap between the animate and inanimate worlds. The Physicist James Clerk Maxwell, in 1867, faced with this very conundrum called this entity a “finite being”. Lord Kelvin called it a “sorting demon!”

When William James Sidis declared “Life consists of bodies with a mechanical efficiency of over 100%” [2] little did he know he was speaking of the ubiquitous, imperishable and hyper powerful cellular dust/microzymas that are present in a coordinated fashion in all living things [3-10]. Williams James Sidis beat about the bush in his speculations about the origin of life-talking of particles and the convertibility of heat. Let me humbly elucidate and enlighten the ideas of both William James Sidis, James Clerk Maxwell and Lord Kelvin. The “finite being” is finite in size-it does not exceed 500 nanometers. The “sorting demon” is no demon at all. More like a referee in a game of its own design the cellular dust are the directors of the operations of life. I submit that the creative entity that eluded Mr Sidis is none other than the cellular dust/microzymas [11]. Rest In Peace, or rather Rest in Cellular Dust Lord Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell and William James Sidis, I humbly declare that I have found and explained what you were so passionately looking for [12,13].


  1. William James Sidis (1925) The Animate and the Inanimate. William James Sidis. The Gorham Press, Boston, USA.
  2. Ibid, P. 50
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  10. Seun Ayoade (2020) A rational and scientific explanation for metempsychosis. Adv Complement Alt Med 6(1): 516-517.
  11. Seun A (2018) A new origin of life and the universe proposed microzymian! Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 1(5): 84.
  12. Seun Ayoade (2018) Microzyman Theory of Origin (MTO)/ Cellular Dust Hypothesis (CDH)-matters arising. Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences 2(4): 142-143.
  13. Seun Ayoade (2020) Isaac newton’s “Active Principles, Particles” and the cellular dust hypothesis; rewriting cytology and histology in the light of SAMS. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology and Toxicology 1(1): 1-2.

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