Coastal and marine biodiversity play a crucial role in
economy by virtue of their resources, productive habitats and rich
biodiversity. Within sixty kilometres of the shoreline more than half
the world’s population lives, and this could rise to three quarters
by the year 2020 [1,2]. The population surge along the narrow
coastal strip is the ultimate driver for escalating pressures on the
world’s coastal area, which are dominated by sandy beaches [1].
Thus, much of today’s and near future anthropogenic pressure
on global ecosystem is directed at coastal wetlands. India has
a coastline of about more than 7500km of which the mainland
accounts for 5422km, Lakshadweep coast extends up to 132km
and Andaman and Nicobar Islands have coastline of 1962km.
More than two hundred fifty million people live within a distance
of fifty kilometres from the coast. The dissimilarities between the
west and east coasts are remarkable. The west coast is generally
exposed with heavy surf and rocky shores and headlands whereas
the east coast is generally shelving with beaches, lagoons, deltas
and marshes [3].
The benthic system comprehends a highly diverse community,
composed of bacteria, micro- meio- and macrobenthos, with the
classification of benthic organisms generally relying on the organism
size. The term “meiofauna” is actually derived from the Greek word
meio meaning “smaller”. Research on meiobenthic fauna have
been known since the 18th century. The study of meiofauna was
probably initiated during the eighteenth century and was carried
out by Loven [4] who described the worm under new genus. The
term “meiobenthos” was introduced and defined by Mare in her
account of the benthos of muddy substrates off Plymouth, England
[5]. The term ‘interstitial fauna’ introduced by Nicholls (1935) was
used to denote that the animals living in the interstitial spaces
between all types of sediment particles. During the year 1940,
Remane [6] proposed the equivalent term “Mesopsammon”. The
other eminent pioneer meiofaunal researchers are Moore & Neil
[7] and Moore [8].
The term “meiobenthos” was introduced and defined in 1942
by Mare [5] in her account of the benthos of muddy substrates
off Plymouth, England [5,9] to indicate those benthic metazoans
smaller than the ‘macrobenthos’, but larger than ‘microbenthos’.
In practice, meiobenthic organisms consist of animals with size
ranging from 63μ to 500μ [10] and are also named as maiofauna.
The meiofauna are by no means a homogenous ecological group of
meiobenthos. Meiofauna inhabits in an array of diversified habitats
and niche of freshwater and marine water bodies. Sediments of all
kinds from the softest of muds to the coarsest shell gravels and all
those in between harbour meiofauna. Meiofauna plays an important
role in maintaining ecological balance by predating within their
According to Higgins & Thiel [9], at least twenty two phyla out
of thirty three metazoans phyla include meiofauna which remain
distributed worldwide [9]. The taxa belonging to meiobenthic
faunal groups are Sarcomastigophora, Ciliophora, Cnidaria,
Turbellaria, Nemartina, Nematoda, Gastrotricha, Rotifera, Loricifera,
Priapulida, Kinoryncha, Polychaeta, Oligichaeta, Sipuncula,
Tardigrada, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Mystacocarida, Copepoda,
Syncarida, Thermosbaenacea, Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Amphipoda,
Cumacea, Halacarida, Pycnogonida, Palpigradida, Insecta,
Bryozoa, Entoprocta, Brachiopoda, Aplacophora, Gastropoda and
Bivalvia, Holothuroidea and Tunicata. A complicating factor in
the taxonomy of meiofauna is not only of their small size, often
associated with structural simplification, but also high percentage
of morphologically similar or even identical species within related
groups [11,12].
Meiofauna, or more generally, the interstitial benthic
invertebrates distinguished from macro benthos by their smaller
sizes, shares tremendous amount of total benthic biomass in marine
habitats. These are exclusively important within any estuarine
and marine systems since they facilitate biomineralization,
support various higher trophic levels and show a high sensitivity
to anthropogenic actions, making them excellent organisms for
pollution bio-monitoring. However, their large abundance attracts
a considerable number of fin-fishes and shell fishes which used
to visit the coastal belts in order to gain energy from the benthic
habitats, mostly in the intertidal and sub tidal zones.
The response of ecosystem to environmental impacts are
typically complex and diverse. It has been recognized that chemical
and physical measurements are unable to properly assess impacts.
The use of faunal diversity as indicator of environmental health,
is the most effective, advantageous and cost-effective approach.
Benthic infaunal monitoring is widely accepted as the fundamental
step to most recent interdisciplinary studies of contaminant effects
on ecosystems. Responses of the infauna are representative of
overall ecosystem status, because the infauna generally depends
upon and interact with biological process in the water column.
The Phylum, Nematoda was used as an indicator for assessing the
ecological quality of marine ecosystems by the European Water
Framework Directive (WFD), Directive 2000/60/EC [13,14].
Not only in pollution monitoring, meiofauna also plays important
roles in benthic community processes such as bioturbation
(organic decomposition, nutrient cycling, redistribution of organic
material, oxygenation of the sediment) and an effective link in
food web [15]. These organisms are also being used as indicator
for global climate change. Meiofauna stimulate bacterial growth
by mechanically breaking down the detrital particles, excrete
nutrients or by producing slime trails through the secretion of
mucus. The significant top-down control of meiofauna in microbial
mineralization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon such as
naphthalene has already been proved using molecular tools like
RFLP etc. High concentration of Sodium Channel Blockers (SCB), a
group of neurotoxin such as tetradotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX),
in free-living marine nematodes were already confirmed using a
tissue culture bioassay and their role in accumulation and transfer
in marine environment has been proved significant. The analysis of
mitochondrial Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, nuclear
rDNA, rRNA etc. are used generally to reveal the cryptic diversity,
intra-genomic variation as well as identification of the meiofaunal
groups and new procedures are still waiting to add the accuracy
in phylogenetic anlysis. Different laboratory cultural procedures
were developed for meiofauna, depending on their feeding and
behavioural ecology [16-18]. Therefore, smaller marine meiofaunal
organisms like free-living nematoda, gastrotricha, ostracoda,
foraminifera, oligochaeta, nemaertea etc. can be effectively utilized
in translational and regenerative biological research.
Dhivya & Mohan [19] gave beautiful picture of meiofaunal
study of India. In this present article we have tried to provide only
some recent and previous works on meiofaunal study from India.
According to the published reports, Dr. Nathan Annandale was the
pioneer in benthic study of Indian subcontinent and the scientific
exploration on benthos of the Indian subcontinent was initiated at
the southern part of the Bengal delta [20]. Post Annandale scientific
exploration of the benthos was initiated by Panikkar and Aiyar
(1937), who studied the brackish water fauna of the Madras coast.
Seshappa [21], Ganapati & Rao [22] worked along Malabar Coast
and north east coast of India respectively for benthic research.
Kurien [23-25] also undertook some informational works on
meiofauna from India. The meiobenthic fauna of south-east coast of
India along the Andhra coast was primarily studied by Ganapati &
Rao [26]. Studies on the interstitial fauna of the Southwest coast of
India were attempted by Govindan Kutty & Nair [27], Desai & Kutty
[28-30], Rajan [31]. Mclntyre [32], Thiel [33] and Sanders [34] did
important quantitative studies of meiofauna from the East and West
coasts of India; and Central Indian Ocean was explored mainly by
Ingole [35]. Kure in (1972) in his study on the ecology of benthos of
the Cochin backwaters showed that meiofauna are more numerous
in the finer sediments and their abundance is not affected by the
tidal changes. Ansari & Parulekar [36], Ansari [37], Rao & Murthy
[38], Vijayakumar [39,40] did some studies on meiofauna from
different coastal areas and backwaters of east coast of India.
Damodaran [41,42], Ansari [43,44], Abdul Aziz & Nair [45],
Reddy & Hariharan [46,47], Ingole [48], Ansari & Parulekar [49]
did some effective works at the western coast of India. Some
knowledge on meiofaunal diversity in India was limited to the other
works previously done by Krishnaswami [50], Rao & Ganpati [51],
Rao & Nagabhushanam [52], Rao [53], Rao [54-58], Sarma & Rao
[59], Sarma [60], Murty & Kondalarao [61], Wells & Rao [62], Ansari
& Gauns [63], Ansari & Parulekar [64], Ingole & Parulekar [65]
etc. Sen et al. [66] worked on benthic foraminifera of Sunderbans.
Sivaleela & Venkataraman [67-74] worked on different groups of
meiofauna in Tamil Nadu coast. Ansari et al. [75] published some
meiobenthic works on lagoonal ecosystem.
Free-living marine nematodes represent the major faunal group
in respect of their density and divsity in any meiobenthic fanal
assemblage. In a recent report, Ghosh and Mandal (2016) published
a huge compilation list of free-living nematodes (288 species)
recorded from India but need a through revision. Some interesting
works on meiobenthos including nematodes were provided by
Sinha & Choudhury [76], Sinha et al. [77]. The occurrence of
stylet bearing nematodes from Gangetic delta reported by Sinha &
Choudhury [78] from Sagar island, West Bengal were not actually
free-living forms. Sinha et al. [77] discovered free-living marine
nematode Anoplostoma macrospiculum from Indian coast after
independence. Some research studies undertaken by Datta et al.
[79], Datta et al. [80-82], Jacob et al. [83-85] have been able to
describe some free-living marine nematodes in recent time from
North-East coast, West coast and around Andaman sea of India
Most of the meiobenthic researches from several coastal sites of
Indian coastal tract have been concentrated basically on ecological
work. Free-living nematofaunal taxonomy relative to ecological
work was largely neglected for long time. Some new records and
checklists of free-living nematode were published in different
journals, but clear taxonomic identity was neither given nor clear
taxonomic description provided [86]. Therefore the true taxonomic
information of marine nematodes at the northern part of east coast
of India as well as from whole Indian coast is still very scant.
Ecological articles cannot be proper one if are not based on
correct prove the taxonomic identification. A huge number of
literatures published on meiofaunal account from India based
only on ecology. But in reality, most of the times, it is difficult
to get same organisms from those study sites because of the
improper taxonomic validation [87]. When a good portion of the
recorded data falls into uncertain and incorrect confirmation then
the subsequent checklist and the distributional record becomes
irrelevant. Museum collection and subsequent registration of the
specimens cannot be achieved for the living organisms. For the
higher faunal groups, this process cannot be supported sometimes
because of conservational purpose. But, for the very delicate
meiobenthic fauna, the morphological study without preservation
is difficult.
Therefore, the organisms must be euthanized prior to
taxonomic work. From this point of view, the demand of the time is
to stop the improper way of biodiversity recording and at the same
time, it is imperative to develop and adopt better parallel scientific
procedures to record the taxonomic diversity by which the scientific
community of the world can be benefitted. For such, the proper
way of biodiversity recording by comparative morphology can be
achieved by detail morphological description as best as possible,
clear and unimaginable illustration with photographic support,
ecological data and proper registration for museum collection [87].
Professor, Chief Doctor, Director of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Associate Director of Department of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor Tongji hospital, Tongji medical college, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Senior Research Engineer and Professor, Center for Refining and Petrochemicals, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Director of Biomechanics Laboratory, Sport Science Innovation Program, Bridgewater State University