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Structural Scheme of Electro Magneto Elastic Actuator for Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Afonin SM

  • Open or CloseAfonin SM*

    National Research University of Electronic Technology, MIET, Moscow, Russia

    *Corresponding author: Afonin SM, National Research University of Electronic Technology, MIET, Moscow, Russia

Submission: February 7, 2020; Published: February 24, 2020


The structural parametric model, the structural scheme, the matrix transfer function, the characteristics of the electro magneto elastic actuator for nanotechnology and nanoscience are obtained. We consider the method of mathematical physics for the solution of the wave equation of the electro magneto elastic actuator with using the Laplace transform. The transfer functions of the electro magneto elastic actuator are described the characteristics of the actuator regarding its physical parameters and external load.

Keywords: Electro magneto elastic actuator; Piezo actuator; Structural-parametric model; Structural scheme; Transfer function

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