
COJ Reviews & Research

Texture of Rapidly Solidified Foils of Tin, Indium, Bismuth, and Their Alloys

  • Open or CloseShepelevich VG*

    Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Belarus

    *Corresponding author: Shepelevich VG, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Minsk, 220030, Belarus

Submission: July 28, 2021; Published: September 13, 2021

DOI: 10.31031/COJRR.2021.03.000563

ISSN: 2639-0590
Volume3 Issue3


Tin, indium, bismuth, and their alloys are produced with rapidly solidified crystallization. Cooling rate was in the order 105-106K/s. A thickness of foils was 30-80μm. Polar densities, phkl, of diffractional lines hkl were calculated by Harris method. It was established, that tin, indium, and bismuth have texture (100), (101) and texture bismuth, correspondly. These textures are conserved in solid solution and eutectic alloys. Textures of tin and indium are caused with most density packed planes. The texture of bismuth is caused with orientation covalent bonds.

Keywords: Rapidly solidified foils; Tin; Indium; Bismuth; Polar density of diffractional line; Texture, Eutectic alloys

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