
COJ Reviews & Research

Life and the Self-aware Energy

  • Open or CloseBerov G Lyubomir*

    Engineer, Independent Innovative Ideas Researcher, Bulgaria

    *Corresponding author: Berov G Lyubomir, Engineer, Independent Innovative Ideas Researcher, Smolyan 4700, Bulgaria

Submission: November 12, 2020; Published: December 17, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/COJRR.2020.02.000550

ISSN: 2639-0590
Volume2 Issue5


On a subconscious level, we feel, we know, that the primary is a living energy field. On a conscious level, perhaps because our five senses, which we firmly believe in, do not recognize its radiation, the primary is the biological body.

Keywords:Living energy field; Cruel fate; Inanimate nature; Electrons “prefer”;Human biofield

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