
COJ Reviews & Research

Preserving Mental Health in the World During the Pandemic

Submission: May 19, 2020; Published: May 27, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/COJRR.2020.02.000547

ISSN: 2639-0590
Volume2 Issue5


When we talk about mental health, related to the theme as emphatic as the pandemic, leads us to understand how all this is happening in such a globalized world, in relation to so many diseases that we already know the search for vaccine constantly and disputes between countries. What worth understanding is the mental disorder that affects people of all age groups and regardless of sex, religion or social class. That is why, as a society, we must seek to know better about what form the service takes and its implications for the well-being of all, as ensured by the Federal Constitution in its health section. The pandemic has been devastating, the survival instinct is certainly the set behaviors of different reactions of the human species: in the reaction of “despair and search for the truth”, with the passing of days many fakes news and lies have been published, transferring to society

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