Editorial Board

  1. Eduard Babulak

    Staffordshire University, UK

  2. Qichun Zhang

    University of Bradford, UK

  3. Silvio Simani

    University of Ferrara, Italy

  4. Alberto Arezzo

    University of Turin, Italy

  5. Luo Guiming

    Tsinghua University, China

  6. Aman Ibrahim Abd El Karim Khalaf

    Ain shams University, Egypt

Associate Editors

  1. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi

    Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China

  2. Tariq H Tashtoush

    Texas A&M International University, USA

  3. Shami Nejadi

    University of Technology Sydney, Australia

  4. Richard Jiang

    Lancaster University, United Kingdom

  5. Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak

    Koszalin University of Technology, Poland

  6. Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak

    Koszalin University of Technology, Poland

  7. Sergio Duarte Correia

    Polytechnic Institute Of Portalegre, Portugal

  8. Jing Bi

    Beijing University of Technology, China

  9. Wangli He

    Southeast University, China

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