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COJ Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Expansion of Cyberspace and Critiques of Cybersecurity

  • Open or CloseElhamahmy ME*

    Department of Information Technology, Chief Expert of Cybersecurity at National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority NTRA, Egypt

    *Corresponding author:Elhamahmy ME, Chief Expert of Cybersecurity at National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority NTRA, Egypt

Submission: January 08, 2024;Published: February 09, 2024


The expansion of cyberspace has seen significant growth, incorporating mobile phone networks, IoT device networks, and interconnected systems with traditional internet computer networks. The proliferation of smartphones and high-speed mobile internet technologies has substantially increased internet-connected devices. This evolution has created a more complicated cyber space, expanding beyond conventional computer networks. Along with the big data traffic that traverse this expanded cyber space with a big velocity, as well as advanced technology such as generative artificial intelligence which resulted in more risk and cybersecurity threats. This article emphasizes the network security threats and the critiques of defense systems. The effectiveness in addressing network risks lies in recognizing the primary concern of network providers and users, ensuring network functionality while adapting to inevitable changes. Toward a zero-trust network security model which aim at the first priority to secure the data.

Keywords:Internet networks security; Intrusion detection system; Big data; Machine learning; AI

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