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COJ Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

An AI Perspective on AI Ethics Using Artificial Intelligence for Its Own Evaluation

  • Open or CloseYoshija Walter1,2,3*

    1Institute for Management and Digitalization IMD, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Zurich, Switzerland

    2Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience LCNS, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

    3Translational Research Center, University Hospital for Psychiatry Bern, Switzerland

    *Corresponding author:Yoshija Walter, Institute for Management and Digitalization IMD, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Zurich, Switzerland, Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience LCNS, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Translational Research Center, University Hospital for Psychiatry Bern, Switzerland

Submission: April 27, 2023;Published: May 12, 2023


AI ethics is the ethical considerations that arise from the design, development, and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. It involves examining the ethical implications of AI, its potential impact on society, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI for malicious purposes. AI can contribute to AI ethics in a number of ways, including automating the ethical review process, enhancing transparency and accountability, identifying and addressing biases, and facilitating stakeholder engagement. Strategies for managing the risks of ethical AI biases include ensuring that AI systems are trained on diverse and representative data sets, incorporating ethical considerations into the design and development of AI systems, establishing transparent and accountable governance frameworks and engaging in ongoing dialogue and consultation. AI can bring unique contributions to the field of ethics in terms of increased objectivity and impartiality, improved decision-making speed and enhanced ability to process large amounts of data. Future research directions concerning the use of AI in AI ethics could include developing methods for automating the ethical evaluation of AI systems, investigating the use of AI for improving ethical decision-making, examining the ethical implications of AI-based decision-making and developing approaches for ensuring responsible AI development and deployment. Both humans and AI could play a role in this research.

Keywords:AI ethics; Natural language processing; AI; Language models

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