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COJ Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems: A Short Review and Perspectives for the Future

  • Open or CloseNogueira IBR*

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Portugal

    *Corresponding author:Nogueira IBR, Department of Chemical Engineering, Portugal

Submission: March 22, 2021;Published: March 26, 2021


Modern society is living a moment of paradigms changes. In part, these changes have been fomented by the new technologies, which are providing high performance computing capacities, cloud computing, almost instantly change of information world widely, big-data pipelines that enable the creation of complex Artificial Intelligence systems. Those developments are allowing the emergence of new Cyber Systems where the data constantly generated are leveraged to build Artificial Intelligence models to perform specialized task. All those developments are recent and have the potential to change the future of society. While, on one hand, the isolated application of the cyber systems starts to be wild spread, on the other hand, their synchronically integration with other cyber system to build a concise and cognitive structure that can interact deeply and autonomously with a physical system is still a completely open question, only addressed in some works from the philosophical point of view. Perhaps this is the next technological revolution, the advent of large-scale and complex Cyber-physical Cognitive systems.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Cyber-physical Systems; Industry 4.0

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