Martín SR1*, Sancho KD1,2, Peguero Pina JJ1,2 and Gil PE3
1Department of Agricultural, Center for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon (CITA), Spain
2Agrifood Institute of Aragon-IA2, CITA-University of Zaragoza, Spain
3Aula Dei Experimental Station, Higher Council for Scientific Research (EEAD‐CSIC), Spain
*Corresponding author:Martín Sánchez Rubén, Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Environment Systems, Aragon Agri-Food Research and Technology Center (CITA), Zaragoza, Spain
Submission: December 04, 2024; Published: January 02, 2025
ISSN 2637-7082Volume5 Issue1
Axelrod proposed a hypothesis to explain the origin and evolution of the evergreen sclerophyllous flora in the Northern Hemisphere, suggesting an insitu differentiation of clades at low-mid latitudes during the Cenozoic. This hypothesis highlights a continuous belt of sclerophyllous vegetation that was fragmented over time due to tectonic movements and climatic changes, including cooling and drying. The genus Quercus exhibits numerous sclerophyllous species, which reach their highest diversity in the latitudes he identified. However, the evolutionary histories of the two subgenera within Quercus-the New World and Old-World clades-show distinct patterns. This review examines whether Axelrod’s hypothesis holds true for Quercus by synthesizing recent molecular phylogenies, fossil records, and biogeographic analyses. Findings reveal that while Old World oaks largely align with Axelrod’s hypothesis, the recent diversification of the tropical New-World oaks challenge the framework he proposed.
Genus Quercus (oaks) is the most biodiverse genus within the Fagaceae family, comprising more than 400 species distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. Oak species, together with pines, play a critically important role in forest ecosystems, as they account for the largest arboreal biomass and support the greatest species diversity within mid-latitude forests [1]. Unlike other genera, like the a for mentioned Pinus or the closely related Lithocarpus, oaks display significant variability in the morphological, anatomical, phenological, physiological and ecological traits and strategies. This heterogeneity has allowed oak species to occupy a wide range of different climates and environments across the vast distribution range of the genus [2]. The exact number of oak species remains uncertain and is likely to remain so indefinitely. The difficulty lies in the remarkable plasticity of the morphological traits of these species, as well as in hybridization and introgression among species. Nonetheless, several authors committed with this genus have recently solved many relationships within the infrageneric clades-which have undergone extensive reclassification through time-by applying molecular data [3-8]. Thus, after the last major revision of the subgeneric clades [5], the genus Quercus has been classified into two subgenera: subgenus Cerris (Old World oaks) and subgenus Quercus (New World oaks), and eight sections: Cyclobalanopsis, Ilex and Cerris for subgenus Cerris, and Lobatae, Protobalanus, Ponticae, Virentes and Quercus for subgenus Quercus (Figure 1). Every section is currently present strictly in its respective part of the world except for Sect. Quercus, which has a Holarctic distribution and the two disjunct species of Sect. Ponticae. Although studies before 2017 were considering some different conceptions of the sections or subgenera, we will be referring to the current ones in this review. The origin of both subgenera is believed to lie in their respective regions, the Old World [8] and the
New World [9]. The connection of both subgenera and, therefore, the center of origin for the whole genus remains unknown. It could have originated in North America, in Asia (as the rest of the Fagaceae genera) or the common ancestor could have a widespread circumpacific distribution [10]. Biogeographically, oak species are present in four realms: Nearctic, Neotropical, Palearctic and Indomalayan. However, given the current distribution and the evolutionary history, it is more practical to consider three broad regions: The Americas, Eastern Asia and Europe (including North Africa and the westernmost part of Asia) (Figure 2). The Americas account for more than half of the species in the genus (~220 spp.), being Mexico the hotspot of biodiversity (~150 spp.) [11,12]. Eastern Asia (~140 spp.), and specially China, represent the most diverse area for oaks in the Old World. Finally, Europe has a few more than 30 oak species, with the Mediterranean basin accounting for the most biodiversity. The current distribution of the different species and clades becomes more intriguing when the evolutionary history of the different lineages is considered.
Figure 1:Current distribution of the eight sections within genus Quercus.
Figure 2:Species richness (n=number of species) across the latitudinal gradient of the three current broad areas of Quercus presence.
Axelrod’s hypothesis
Daniel I. Axelrod introduced a hypothesis in 1975 to explain
the origin of the evergreen sclerophyllous flora in the Northern
Hemisphere. He proposed the presence of a continuous belt
of sclerophyllous vegetation-represented by numerous taxaoccupying
low-middle latitudes (around 30ºN, see Figure 1 in his
original work) in the Late Cretaceous, when these ancestors lived
under warm temperate to subtropical climate conditions. Note
that Europe was further south at that time, and North America, to
a lesser extent, as well. This ecotone would have been composed
for taxa of both temperate and moist-tropical sources, primarily
the latter. Sclerophyllous trees and shrubs would have originated
in such areas at the beginning of the Cenozoic, resembling their
close living relatives. This continuous belt would have been
fragmented due to both the separation of continents for tectonic
movements and the drastic climatic changes through the Cenozoic,
this is, cooling and drying, which would have created some areas
(grasslands, steppes and deserts) presently too dry for these
species. Thus, species sharing this evolutionary history would form
the so-called Madrean-Tethyan disjunction, alluding to the Sierra
Madre in Mexico and the Tethys Sea in Eurasia, respectively. Since
the ancient taxa-living under relatively warm and moderately mesic
conditions-already presented several xeromorphic traits, and they
resemble the modern species, Axelrod suggests a preadaptation of
such taxa to dry conditions. In this sense, he defines sclerophyllous
vegetation as generalist rather than specialist, contrary to many
ecologists. The main reason lies on the fact that sclerophyllous taxa
can be found in very different ecosystems. This also applies to oaks,
which gather a great gradient of sclerophylly (traditionally related
to Leaf Mass per Area, LMA) [13,14]. The most sclerophyllous oak
species can be found in Mediterranean-type and arid climates (see
Q. chrysolepis in California or Q. rotundifolia in Spain). However,
somewhat sclerophyllous species can be found in the other
ecosystems exposed by Axelrod for this flora:
a) Montane forests, with summer rain (see Q. sebifera in eastern
Mexico or Q. franchetii in Hengduan Mountains)
b) evergreen scrub at timberline (see Q. semecarpifolia or Q.
monimotricha in the Himalayas) and
c) ever-wet tropical rainforest (see Q. insignis or Q. costaricensis
in Mesoamerica).
All these sclerophyllous species typically occur at low-middle latitudes, which match either with the highest diversity within the genus (Figure 2) or with the latitudes proposed by Axelrod to be their origin. Finally, numerous malacophyllous deciduous oak species significantly contribute to temperate broadleaf and mixed forests, which would trace their origins to the Arcto-Tertiary flora.
“The relations suggest that in the Tethyan and Madrean regions
semihumid sclerophyllous vegetation
a) has formed an ecotone between tropical and temperate forests
throughout its history,
b) that it derived taxa from both sources, though chiefly the
c) that it had a wider distribution in the past, covering areas
presently too dry for it,
d) that the present restricted distributions reflect selection
and segregation in response to the development of new dry
climates during the Quaternary” [12].
Once Axelrod’s hypothesis has been exposed and the genus Quercus is among the taxa that were originally considered to follow this hypothesis, the main question addressed is: according to the studies carried out from 1975 to today, do oaks still follow this hypothesis in both the New and Old World?
The new world
Trelease (1924) was among the first authors to suggest an
origin for American oak species in his extensive work. He proposed
a primary center of distribution in what is now Arizona from a
single primitive ancestor resembling the extant Q. chrysolepis.
From there, oaks would have migrated to west (California), east
(Eastern USA) and south (Mexico). This agrees with Axelrod’s
hypothesis proposed fifty-one years later. Manos [15] by using ITS
and chloroplastic DNA in their in-depth study of Sect. Protobalanusshow
how Protobalanus is a monophyletic section within the New
World clade (currently Subgenus Quercus) and they suggest that
the resemblance of these species with holly oaks (Sect. Ilex) is the
result of homoplasy. In short, they cast doubt on Axelrod’s belt of
sclerophyllous taxa being composed of monophyletic clades within
the genera. However, they are not denying the hypothesis, since
they defend an in-situ speciation for the Protobalanus clade. Two
years later, Manos and Stanford [10] again support the Axelrod
hypothesis by claiming that all major oak lineages essentially
evolved in the areas where they occur today (see Figure 8.5 in
[16] ) for a graphical support to these conceptions). A second
equally important conclusion drawn from [15] is that the origin
of all current New World sections is located in the Americas.
Californian floristic province can be taken as a useful reference
for a complex assemblage of temperate, subtropical (madrean),
and desert elements [17,18] with numerous sclerophyllous taxa,
including oaks. Ackerly [18] shows how most of the taxa studied in
his paper-any Quercus-presented a cool temperate origin, although
he still finds two taxa (Prunus subgen. Laurocerasus and Rhus)
with traces to tropical origins. It might be considered as a first
suggestion that the sclerophyllous flora in North America could
have a significant contribution from temperate ancestors. In 2018,
the first comprehensive and groundbreaking phylogeny of the New
World oaks [9] revealed remarkable conclusions [19]:
a) the common ancestor of every species of subgenus Quercus including
Sect. Quercus-is in North America, agreeing with
b) however, the common ancestor would have a temperate origin,
supporting Ackerly [18] and confronting both Manos [15] and
Axelrod [12].
These conclusions will be recovered again by Cavender-Bares [3] in her Tansley review. Months later, the global phylogeny of oaks was updated, including many Mexican and Old-World species [7]. In this paper, a Miocene origin of the Mexican clades for both red and white oaks is supported, becoming Mexican oaks the most recent lineages in the genus. Species in Mexico and Mesoamerica are represented by numerous broad-leaved, evergreen or brevideciduous, sclerophyllous species, but the recent colonization of these areas is incompatible with the hypothesis proposed by Axelrod, who proposed a Paleogene in-situ differentiation of the sclerophyllous taxa.
The old world
It is well known that the present European vegetation is composed mainly of two separate ecological units: the evergreen, laurophyllous “Palaeotropical geoflora” and the deciduous, broad-leaved “Arcto-Tertiary geoflora” [20,21]. At the beginning of the Cenozoic, the southernmost region of Europe consisted of an extensive archipelago in the Tethys Sea, located significantly farther south than its current position. This latitude, combined with the climatic conditions of the time, defined a warm temperate to tropical climate across the entire archipelago. Several palaeotropical taxa with a widespread distribution during the Tertiary in these subtropical areas are currently present as relict flora in several refugia (see ?Rhododendron ponticum, Ilex aquifolium or Prunus lusitanica, for example) [22,23]. Concerning oaks, there has been a debate about whether they originated in Europe and migrated to Asia, or vice versa, driven by the diverse fossil records of pollen, acorns and leaves across the Old World throughout the Cenozoic [24]. However, three independent studies with molecular analyses have revealed an Asian origin during the Oligocene for the three sections Cyclobalanopsis [4], Ilex [6] and Cerris [8], followed by a rapid diversification until the Miocene. The exact latitude of the center of origin for each section slightly varies depending on the study, from a warm temperate (Sect. Cerris) to tropical (Sect. Cyclobalanopsis). Nonetheless, the common ancestor of all Old-World oaks can be attributed to Palaeotropical areas in Eastern Asia, supporting Axelrod’s hypothesis. After an initial radiation, both Sect. Cerris and Ilex migrated westwards to reach Europe. Section Cerris migrated to Western Eurasia north of the progressively enlarging Qinghai-Tibet Plateau whereas Sect. Ilex migrated south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, following the proto- Himalayas [6,8]. Unequivocal fossil records of sclerophyllous oaks in Western Eurasia can be found in the late Miocene, represented by the fossil complexes Q. drymeja and Q. mediterranea [5]. Although the Miocene cooling had already started by then, the Mediterranean climate was not established until Pliocene (ca. 3.2 Ma ago) [25]. Since Sect. Ilex has been morphologically quite homogeneous since its origin, characterized by evergreen habit, sclerophyllous leaves, and xeromorphic traits, it is reasonable to assume that ancient taxa were pre-adapted to the emerging Mediterranean conditions, a postulate also proposed by Axelrod [12].
Although the origin of the genus is still unknown, the evolutionary histories of the both subgenera are better understood. New World oaks present a temperate, mid-latitude origin (Arcto- Tertiary), with a colonization and speciation occurring progressively from north to south, eventually reaching Mesoamerica in recent times. Consequently, the evergreen sclerophyllous oaks found in Mexico and Mesoamerica did not arise from the continuous belt of sclerophyllous vegetation proposed by Axelrod, thereby refuting his hypothesis. In contrast, evergreen Old-World oaks have a warm-temperate origin in Eastern Asia (Palaeotropical), aligning with the latitudes proposed by Axelrod. Subsequently, these oaks migrated westwards into Europe, following the continuous belt of sclerophyllous vegetation, and eventually reached the subtropical Mediterranean basin of that time, supporting Axelrod’s hypothesis. In summary, while Axelrod’s hypothesis cannot be applied to the genus as a whole, it remains valid for Old World oaks but has been disproven for New World oaks.
This research was supported by Grant PID2022‐136478OBC32 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, by grant CNS2022‐136156 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR, and by Gobierno de Aragón S74_23R research group. The work of Rubén Martín‐Sánchez was supported by a PhD Gobierno de Aragón scholarship.
© 2024 Martín Sánchez Rubé. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.