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Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science

Implications of COVID-19 on the Global Mining Sector

  • Open or CloseVlado Vivoda*

    Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies, Honorary Fellow, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, Australia

    *Corresponding author: Vlado Vivoda, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies, Deakin University and Honorary Fellow, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland, Australia

Submission: May 12, 2020; Published: May 19, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/AMMS.2020.04.000600

ISSN : 2578-0255
Volume4 Issue5


cyclical industry is sensitive to the business cycle. Revenues are generally higher in periods of economic growth and are lower in periods of economic downturn. Mineral price cycles mean that mining companies’ expenditure on exploration and investment can vary considerably. Price fluctuations also have a significant effect on fiscal revenues, exchange rates and employment levels of countries rich in metals and minerals. The reasons for price cycles lie in the high volatility of demand for metal and mineral commodities and inflexible supply responsiveness. Demand for metals and mineral commodities is highly sensitive to changes in the rate of economic growth, partly because of the characteristics of the economic sectors in which these commodities are used.

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