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Associative Journal of Health Sciences

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Women’s Reproductive Health; The Analysis of Socio- Demographic Factors

  • Open or CloseRosmala Nur*

    Department of Public Health, Indonesia

    *Corresponding author:Rosmala Nur, Department of Public Health, Indonesia

Submission: February 05, 2019;Published: February 20, 2019


Domestic violence is increasing every year. This study aims to determine the relationship between social demographic factors and reproductive health disorders due to violence. It is important to have early identification (screening) on groups that are vulnerable to the impact of violence. The study was conducted in Tinggede, Sunju and South Tinggede Villages, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. There were 82 married women at childbearing age who had experienced violence as the sample of study. The data were collected using structured, in-depth interviews, moderate participation observation and documentation. In this study, the reproductive health disorders analyzed included complications of pregnancy and unwanted pregnancy. The results showed a difference between complications of pregnancy and non- complications of pregnancy in the aspects of age (X2=14,7; K=0,36), education (X2=7,0; K=0,26) and number of living children (X2=8,3; K=0,28). Age variable is most closely related to complications of pregnancy. Furthermore, the results of the analysis on the unwanted pregnancy and non-unwanted pregnancy groups showed that all the social demographic variables have differences. The social demographic factor that is most closely related to unwanted pregnancy is the education level variable with an X2 value of 20,5 and contingency coefficient (K) value of 0,42. Differentiation of reproductive health disorders (complications of pregnancy and unwanted pregnancy) related to the women’s social demographic conditions. The differences are related to their social demographic background regarding age, education level, and number of living children. Every woman has different social demographic characteristics so that the level of vulnerability to suffer the impact of violence is different for each individual.

Keywords: Violence; Reproductive healths; Socio-demography

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