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Advancements in Case Studies

Multi-Particulate High Intensity of Brain MRI in 30’s Male Heavy Smoker Suicidal Attempt Case following Mild COVID-19 Pneumonia

  • Open or CloseKeiko Ikemoto*

    Department of Psychiatry, Iwaki City Medical Center, Japan

    *Corresponding author: Keiko Ikemoto, Department of Psychiatry, Iwaki City Medical Center, Japan

Submission:August 23, 2021; Published: September 15, 2021

DOI: 10.31031/AICS.2021.03.000558

ISSN 2639-0531
Volume3 Issue2


The case report showed multi-particulate high intensity of T2-weighted image of brain MRI in 30’s male heavy smoker suicidal attempt case, taken on psychiatric examination, 5 months later of his mild COVID-19 pneumonia. The MRI finding, indicating multiple micro-thrombosis is thought to be a cause of his depressed state and anosognosia.

Keywords: COVID-19; Pneumonia; Tabacco use disorder; Major depression; Suicidal attempt; Microthrombosis; MRI; Nicergoline

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