Efrén M Benavides*
Department of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Propulsion, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
*Corresponding author: Efrén M Benavides, Department of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Propulsion, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Submission: July 23, 2021 Published: August 27, 2021
ISSN:2694-4421 Volume2 Issue3
In 1994 I was challenged. I was hired to design the inline fuel injection pump of a novel
two-stroke turbocharged diesel engine which was being designed from scratch to provide
thrust for a long-range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). For the purpose of this discussion,
the list of engineering specifications that I received may be condensed in just this sentence:
introduce the required fuel in each condition of operation with an inline system as versatile,
reliable, fast and cheap as possible. Then, I studied the available options: inline mechanical
injection pumps and common-rail systems. Finally, I selected the common-rail; not because
it was by that time considered the best system on the automotive sector, but because I
considered it was the one that, as the inexperienced engineer that I was, I could design. Here,
design meant the long process that begins with selecting a concept and ends by making a first
operative prototype.
Obviously, the project manager rejected my selection: too much risk. At that time, such
manager’s decision seemed quite reasonable to me because the proposed engine was
a controlled-risk innovative project. That is, it had subsystems which were going to be
new, assuming a higher (but controlled) risk and others which were going to be standard,
assuming a lower (and hence non-problematic) risk. The injection system belonged to the
second group, where the standard at that time was the inline mechanical pump. It was clear in
the specification order, “Inline Fuel Injection Pump, we do not want you to design a Common-
Rail”. A couple of years later, I discovered that this episode resulted to be the best engineering
lesson I have ever received. Why did I feel able to correctly design the system with the highest
risk and not the other?
Meanwhile I was reading the beautiful Suh’s book “The Principles of Design” where
Professor Suh stated that there are principles which determine the correctness of a design
regardless of the statement you are solving [1]. Professor Suh postulated that there are
two key and universal principles: firstly, the Independence Axiom stating that good designs
are those which keep the Functional Requirements (FR), independent and secondly, the
Information Axiom stating that good designs are those which keep the probability of success
high (in Professor Suh’s words, the information content high). Professor Suh was so confident
on its universality that gave them the status of axioms.
Both axioms work as follows:
1. As a consequence of the Independence Axiom, the best solution is the one that has only
one FR assigned to a given Design Parameter (DP); and, 2. As a consequence of the Information Axiom, the best solution is
the one that has only one DP assigned to a given FR. Therefore,
a universal definition of best has been born in the engineering
field: best designs are those which have a diagonal design
This definition of best design is a beautiful and a powerful result
and, as soon as I read it, I started applying it to everything I found
around. In particular, to my previous question, which I reformulated
as: Is it possible that I felt able to correctly design the common-rail
because it was the best design and hence the risk-free option? The
answer was yes. Immediately, I discovered that the fuel injection
system had two FRs: The injected amount of fuel and the injection
pressure. The first one ensures the required torque in the engine
and the second one ensures a high combustion efficiency and a low
contamination. I studied both systems from the new perspective
and I discovered that the inline fuel injection pump completely
broke the independence of both FRs whereas the common-rail kept
them independent. That is, the common-rail was a better system
than the inline one! This was an awesome discovery for me because
the conclusion had been raised in a somehow objective way.
I was shocked because what I had really discovered was that my
impression that the inline system was more difficult to design than
the common-rail was related to this definition of best. It took me
several months of introspection to identify the connection between
my intuition and the two axioms. Finally, I found the missing link:
I felt unable to design the inline fuel pump because of an excessive
number of dependencies (many more than one) which I did not
know how to handle whereas such problem seemed less problematic
to me in the common-rail system. The difference lies in the number
of dependences. Suh’s definition states that the inline pump has a
dependence between the two FRs and the common-rail does not.
This means that the first system has at least one dependence more
than the other. Here, the first key was to understand that the axioms
had detected a dependency that should not be there, and the second
key was to understand that my intuition had detected many more
problematic dependences.
At that time, my design of the inline system for the UAV was
in the test bench where it performed worse than expected. I had
clear evidence that the difficulties in meeting the operational
specifications came from a main source: the coupling between all
the elements prevented the correct optimization of the response.
This fact turned out to be a serious cost issue. In effect, every
hour in the test bench was spending resources: money and
time. In addition, the manufacturing tolerances of almost all the
parts (cam and follower, impulsion barrel, retraction valve, high
pressure tube, injector…) became extraordinarily strict. Hundreds
of parameters were affecting the response of the system and most
had to be known accurately enough. Critical tolerances appeared
everywhere. This drift exacerbated the cost problem because any
attempt to redesign any part was very expensive. A new coupling
spoiled again the chances of finding a satisfactory solution within
the proposed budget. In this case the coupling was between
reliability and geometry: nitride-hardened surfaces were required
to increase the reliability in some parts with tight tolerances. This
was an explosive mixture that sent parts prices skyrocketing. By
that time, it was already very clear that fulfilling the specifications
was unfeasible. My main purpose changed to finding out where the
budget deviation started, and I had a good clue. Meanwhile, I had
finished a mathematical model to describe the system response in
terms of the input parameters.
The physics involved can be summarized as:
1. high-pressure injection means that the fuel has to be treated as
compressible in all the elements (pump, retracting valve, line
and injector),
2. short injection times means that pressure waves has to be
followed through the system and
3. fast closing of the retracting valve creates cavitation pockets
that spread through the system.
Taking a closer look, more couplings appear: the speed of
sound changes with the temperature and with the amount of
dissolved air that the fuel has previously absorbed, the elasticity
of all the solid parts (mainly the high-pressure pipeline) modifies
the speed of sound in the system and all the clearances modify the
real flows that pass through the different elements. This is a small
sample of the difficulties of writing a mathematical simulator for
this system. The idea was to use this model to select the best set
of input parameters, those which ensured that the response was
within specifications in the whole range of operation. This way, the
mathematical optimization would reduce cost and time, keeping in
a minimum the number of conducted tests in the prototype bench.
Developing the mathematical model was very enlightening and
the conclusion was clear to me: the inline system had to be designed
as a whole, any change in any part of it required modifications in all
the other parts at the same time Everything was coupled because
there were too many dependencies. During the hours I spent in
front of both, the mathematical model and the prototypes running
in the test bench, I found dozens of evidences corroborating this
fact. Among them, there was one which completely broke the game.
The mission of the retracting valve was to ensure a sharp ending
of the fuel injection (required to reduce the amount of unburnt
fuel and smokes) thanks to its fast closing; however, the cavitation
pocket generated by this fast displacement depended severely on
the geometry and the operating conditions. This cavitation pocket
modified the initial conditions for the next injection leading to a
general oscillation of the engine as a whole. To solve this problem, a
constant-pressure retracting valve was required, however we could
not find a suitable one because any change in the retracting valve
also required a change in the cam profile. After several redesigns,
the result was an improved system which does not meet the
consumption and contamination requirements.
The conclusion was that the injected mass flow rate and
the injection pressure evolution depended on everything as a
whole. This excessive number of dependencies imposes that the
best optimum response which is achievable with such system is inexorably worse than the required specification. In other words, no
matter how many hours of optimization and redesign are put into
the matter because the best optimum that such a system could reach
would never meet the specs. The inline injection pump was not the
adequate solution for the given specs, that’s all. And it seems that
the automotive sector also knew it because after several decades
using inline (or rotary) pumps they finally moved themselves to the
Common-Rail. Could we know before spending the budget? Yes, we
do because Suh’s axioms anticipates this conclusion. My personal
quest had led me to position Suh’s axiomatic approach as an ethical
framework: better and worse is defined with independence of the
particular problem which is being solved. However, my study on
the inline pump also indicated to me that something was missing
in Suh’s axiomatic approach. I identified this missing piece of
information as: not only the dependencies between the FRs are
problematic, but that in general all unnecessary dependences are
bad. I had just built my own ethical framework. Obviously, there has
to be a minimum number of dependencies in any solution because
there must be a link between what the designer is proposing and
the specs. But this is precisely the important compass guiding a
design process to the success: discovering the minimum number of
dependencies which ensures the success and discovering a solution
just implementing them. The Principle of Minimum Dependences
had just been stated.
In the case of the injection system for a Diesel engine there are
three crucial dependencies to support the value, from here, all the
others only subtract value. The common-rail has two independent
systems to achieve it: a pressure regulator and an electronic
injector. And hence, it is possible to show that this design has only
three critical tolerances (each ensures one crucial dependence): the
accuracy on the pressure sensor and the accuracy on the injection
timing through a calibrated nozzle. All the other tolerances do not
affect the performance of the common-rail system. This means that
the high-pressure pump for example can be designed using any
cam profile, any plunger and barrel, any check valve, etc. Therefore,
the dependences introduced by the pump, for example, are very
weak because they do not affect significantly either the injection
pressure or the injection rate. The check valve can be replaced by
any other and the overall performance does not change. Design,
manufacturing, assembly, adjustment, operation and maintenance
costs drop dramatically whereas the performance of the system
increases due to a better control of the pressure and metering in all
the operational points. In contrast, the inline system had hundreds
of critical dependences. Thus, finally, we have found a winning
design: the common-rail wins against the inline pump in almost all
the fields.
During such abstraction process I made the following analogy
with a simple mathematical problem. Suppose two designers
who want to achieve y=0 and that they design a system with two
parameters x1 and x2 which ensure the desired result by means of
the following relation y=(x1-1)2+(x2-2)2. Obviously, the optimum
design is placed at x1=1 and x2=2, that is, their design has two
dependencies to solve the spec y=0. However, in addition, suppose
that a hidden dependence exists between x1 and x2 (for example, a
physical one like the one introduced by the compressibility in the
inline injection system). Say that the new dependencies looks like
x1=3x2. Now, they have three dependencies. The best design point
now is x1=3/2 and x2=1/2, which leads to the minimum value of
y=5/2 very far away from the desired value of y=0. The design has
failed because the best design now does not fulfil the spec! What
can the designers do? They can add new parameters to solve the
problem. For example, they can add x3 in such a way that they attempt
to modify the dependencies as x1=3x2-x3 (for example, changing the
initial retracting valve by the constant-pressure one proposed in
the inline injection system). Now, they have four dependencies and
the following design point x1=1, x2=2 and x3=5. Intuitively, we can
infer that the larger the number of design parameters, the larger
the probability of having problematic (hidden or not) dependences
between them. This is a real and true source of risk that designers
should avoid since the onset of the design process. How should
the designers have proceeded? They should have conceived a
single parameter design in the form y=x0 with the design point at
x0=0. Obviously, this is not a straightforward process, but we can
anticipate that if they succeed, they will be ahead of an innovation
(like the common-rail versus the inline). Note that there are a small
number of designs (probably only one) with one dependence but
that there are a huge number of designs (probably infinite) with
more than one dependence.
In 1997 I was challenged again. There was an opportunity to
impart lectures on the design of fuel injection systems at the School
of Aeronautics (ETSIA-UPM, Polytechnic University of Madrid).
I accepted and began to teach all those systems under the new
perspective. Now, the important thing to be transmitted was not
the architecture of the system itself or its expected performance,
but the number of dependencies created by each attempt to solve
the problem. It was not a technical problem it was an ethical one!
Thus, I had a new game and teams to play it: the match played more
times was carburetors vs fuel-injection systems. This new approach
shocked the students who were not prepared to understand that
almost all the parameters in the system could be selected using a
criterion not based on the theory of reciprocating engines but in
a universal design principle. I used this principle in almost every
problem I met, and in almost every lecture I imparted. The outcome
always resulted better than expected. The idea of developing a
small start-up (or spin-off) to sell this new way of designing turned
up during those years and this led me to contact an important
international consultancy firm. Several studies done for them
showed that the Principle was suitable for addressing problems
under incomplete information and for assessing the technological
maturity of a given solution.
In this reflection about how the Principle of Minimum
Dependences was born in my mind it is necessary to recall the
attempts I made in order to link it with the Suh’s axioms. Obviously,
minimizing all the Dependences tends to remove the dependencies
between the FRs and hence fulfil the Principle of Minimum
Dependences leads to fulfil the Suh’s first axiom. In addition, decreasing the number of dependencies to a minimum reduces the
risk of unexpected perturbations, ensuring a higher probability
of success and a fulfilment of the Suh’s second axiom. This way,
the fulfilment of the Principle implies the fulfilment of both Suh’s
axioms. However, the real value of the Principle of Minimum
Dependences is that it reduces costs and increases performance.
That is, it increases the added value to the society. In this reflection,
a final target appears: for a given challenge, the solution with the
minimum dependences always wins. If it always wins, it is always
the best. If it is always the best, it is unbeatable. If it is unbeatable,
it cannot be improved any more. At this point, the only way to
advance is to change the challenge. Hence, the important question
that a designer should wonder before beginning any design process
is: am I willing to accept that for a fixed and determined challenge
there is always an unbeatable solution? Be careful with your answer
because if you choose “yes” you are under a universal ethical
principle (for example, the Principle of Minimum Dependences)
but if you choose “no” you are wandering a winding non-universal
design process.
Thus, the assumption that there exists a universal principle
driving the design of a solution is similar to the assumption that the
decision-making process is objective. Furthermore, if the process is
objective, all the designers who share the same challenge statement
(which includes the universal principle to be used) should arrive at
the same objective solution. This objective solution, by definition
should be the unbeatable one. In effect, as long as the universal
principle holds the same for all the design teams, the best solution
cannot change. The other way round, we can anticipate that the
best solution will change if the ethical framework changes. As
a conclusion, I anticipate that the coexistence of non-universal
ethical frames are the main loss of sustainability. Why? Because it
is the main source of future rejections. The subsequent redesigns
are an unstoppable sink of resources. How can the society fix this
problem? Stopping the change in the ethical frameworks. How?
Using a universal ethical framework.
In my experience I have observed that the most stable principle
I have found is the Principle of Minimum Dependences. It is easy
of understand: if a solution removes dependences, it is better.
What does “to remove dependences” mean? It means to have a
net reduction of the total dependences, that is, to remove all the
unnecessary dependences and in case of having to create any, to
select the weakest ones. Indeed, we could use this result to say
that an innovation is the solution with the weaker dependences.
Following this line, the Principle is the door also to redefine
sustainability: the sustainable solution is the one with the weakest
dependences. And, in general, the unbeatable solution is the one
with the weakest dependencies. As long as weakening dependences
leads to remove them, the Principle of Minimum Dependences
states that the unbeatable solution is the one which has a minimum
number of dependencies and a minimum strength of the surviving
My personal search for a universal definition of the best design
or as I prefer to say of the unbeatable design led me invariably to
explore ethics. Readers interested in having a deeper vision can
find it in references [2,3], which describes a general principle out
of the scope of engineering. This principle differs from the one
discussed here although it is connected to it through the efficiency:
the moral criterion for sustainability discovered in that essay is
based on comparing the efforts associated to efficiently make and
efficiently unmake, and invariably take the action with a higher
figure. As long as having more dependences deteriorates efficiency,
it can be stated that the former includes the latter. In the scope of
the engineering field, my first incursion to this complex problem is
summarized in reference [4], where the main contribution was that
the required information (final entropy minus initial entropy, do not
confuse it with the available information or with the information
content) had to be kept low to find the best solution. As long as the
entropy increases when the number of dependencies increases, the
principle of keeping the required external information low is also
connected with the Principle of Minimum Dependences.
The mathematical rigor of the Principle of Minimum
Dependences is addressed in two articles [5,6] and one PhD
Thesis [7]. Finally, the final exposition of the Principle in the
scope of engineering design along with an extensive dissertation
about how sustainability requires a stable ethical framework and
how the fractal nature of the design process makes the use of a
single universal ethics difficult is presented in [8]. Here, the new
ethical framework is used to give new definitions of innovation
and sustainability : it is a sustainable innovation if it implements
minimum dependences.. These new definitions have the advantage
of being more practical than the ones normally used. The importance
of using these kinds of ethical frameworks in the industry can be
found in [9,10], where the necessity of having a value-driven design
process is investigated. In particular, it is studied how Design
Thinking requires an external input specifying an objective value
proposition. The Principle of Minimum Dependences can fill this
gap. Real examples of how the Principle fills this gap are collected in
[8]. This long reflection leads me to conclude that the priority task
(still running) that human beings should close as soon as possible
is discovering out a universal ethics or, failing that, a moral criterion
for guiding the new technological development. This will eventually
happen when enough resources came into this line of action. For
the moment, I invite the reader to investigate and use the Principle
of Minimum Dependences as a good approach.
© 2021 Efrén M Benavides. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.