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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Managing Cracks in Large Concrete Coffee Drying Yards

  • Open or CloseFairbairn MRE1* and Moura PMR2

    1Professor, COPPE/The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Civil Engineering Department, Brazil

    2Rural producer, Systems Engineer, Fazenda Trapiá, Minas Gerais, Brazil

    *Corresponding author: Eduardo MR Fairbairn, Professor, COPPE/The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Civil Engineering Department, Brazil

Submission: March 29, 2023; Published: April 11, 2023

DOI: 10.31031/AES.2023.03.000560

Volume3 Issue2


This paper presents a case study on the construction of a concrete patio for drying coffee in the Mantiqueira range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is demonstrated that the appearance of cracks in a structure of this type is inevitable. A “chessboard” construction scheme was then used in which the cracks will appear at the weakest point, which is the point where the “black and white squares” touch each other. No materials were used to create expansion joints, as they naturally appeared without the need for wooden or plastic strips. The use of such strips could compromise the proper functioning of the yard due to their aging. Crack opening was calculated for the standard cell. After construction, the calculation hypotheses were verified, and the yard has been regularly used for drying coffee beans since 2016.

Keywords:Young´s modulus; Poisson´s ratio; Hydration; Coffee beans; Tensile strength

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