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Annals of Chemical Science Research

Search for Room Temperature Superconductor- A Revolutionary Change

  • Open or CloseBehera D*

    Department of Physics and Astronomy, India

    *Corresponding author: Behera D, Department of Physics and Astronomy, India

Submission: October 29, 2021Published: November 18, 2021

ISSN : 2688-8394
Volume2 Issue5

DOI: 10.31031/ACSR.2020.02.000549


The persistent quest for room temperature superconductor has been achieved recently and ignites the hope for revolutionary change. The pioneering work of Onnes [1] gives rise to discovery of superconductivity in 1911. In this work on Mercury, Hg shows no electrical resistance and persistent current flows for a long time with no Joules heating. This is the unique in material that becoming superconductor. The associated diamagnetic behavior with complete removal of magnetic field from the interior of the material satisfies the complete Meissner effect [2]. The phenomenon of superconductivity has been explained by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and J.R. Schrieffer (BCS) theory where a current of electron pairs (Cooper pairs) flows without resistance in certain materials at low temperature (superconductor). According to BCS theory, superconductivity arises when a negatively charged particle (electron) slightly distorts the lattice atoms in the material, drawing a + vely charged cloud (Polaron) and create electron-phonon interaction.

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