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Advancements in Civil Engineering & Technology

Technology of Concrete: Reality and Perspectives

  • Open or ClosePshenichny GN*

    Institute of Construction and Transport Infrastructure FGBOU VO, Russia

    *Corresponding author:Pshenichny GN, Institute of Construction and Transport Infrastructure FGBOU VO, Russia

Submission: May 05, 2019; Published: May 20, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/ACET.2019.03.000558

ISSN : 2639-0574
Volume3 Issue2


The technological process of the production of prefabricated and monolith reinforced concrete products presupposes the use of raw materials with the required characteristics, the use of the rational composition of the concrete mix, its qualitative preparation, problem-free transportation, packing in a form, the careful compaction and ensuring of the favorable conditions for solidification. This is all true. The presented technological sequence is a well-known and generally accepted scheme of normal production. At the same time, it is difficult to call such a process directional. It cannot be directed because after all these required preparatory operations the fundamental aspect the formation of concret’s structure and characteristics are left to the concrete itself. In the process of solidification, both positive and negative phenomena are stochastically flowing and superposing on each other. So it is difficult to predict which of them will have a predominant effect on the final product. Thus, only the process can be qualified as directed, which initial stage is under active technological control and accompaniment, consistent with the kinetics of hardening of the Portland cement. As a consequence, the indispensable condition for a directed and meaningful technology is a clear understanding of the physical essence of the conversion of plastic cement mass into stone and a concrete mixture into concrete. The refinement of individual theoretical positions of the hydration and structure-forming problems was the goal of this work.

Keywords:Portland cement; Hydration; Concrete; Process staging; Micro-concrete; Surface-active zones; Dump strength; Reliability

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