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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Massage and Mobilization during Immersion - Development, Usability and Case Series with Health Older Women

  • Open or CloseSantos FCL1*, Holovatino LB2, Fermino RR3, João SMA4 and Voos MC5

    1Laboratory of Physiotherapy and Behavior of Medical School of University of São Paulo, Brazil

    2Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil

    3Physiotherapist, Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil

    4Laboratory of Physiotherapy and Behavior of Medical School of University of São Paulo(SP), Brazil

    5Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil

    *Corresponding author:Fabíola Carvalho Lopes dos Santos Santos, University of São Paulo, Rua Cotoxó,1163. São Paulo(SP), Brazil

Submission: August 13, 2024;Published: August 26, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2024.08.000684

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume8 Issue2


This study aims to develop and test the usability of the Relaxation by Massage and Mobilization in Immersion Technique (RMI). The clinical effects were analyzed in case series with healthy elderly women. The RMI was based on literature and described in a manual submitted to quality assessed by 20 referees. For usability analysis, 10 Physiotherapy undergraduate students performed the technique on volunteers. The effects of 10 RMI sessions were analyzed by relaxation indicators (heart rate, blood pressure, flexibility, mobility, pain, and quality of life) in 12 healthy older women. RMI program and manual are usable, reproducible, and suitable for self-learning. RMI improved shoulder and ankle mobility (range of motion), and the psychological domain of a quality-of-life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) in older women. Participants reported relaxation, health behavioral changes, and satisfaction with RMI. It is a relaxation program that combines massage and immersion. RMI was considered usable and reproducible to promote relaxation in clinical practice.

Keywords:Hydrotherapy; Massage; Immersion; Relaxation; Aged; Women; Learning

Abbreviation:Massage and Mobilization Immersion (RMI)

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