1Deputy Director, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandha Samsthana (S-VYASA University),India
2Assistant Professor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandha Samsthana (S-VYASA University),India
3Research Assistant, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandha Samsthana (S-VYASA University),India
4Professor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandha Samsthana (S-VYASA University), India
*Corresponding author:Manjunath NK, Professor, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandha Samsthana (S-VYASA University), Bengaluru, India
Submission: November 03, 2023;Published: August 20, 2024
ISSN: 2637-7802Volume8 Issue2
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice involving the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of being. Asana is a part of Yoga which is widely practiced for its physical benefits. Several scriptures such as Patanjali Yoga Sutras & Hatha Yoga discuss in detail about various asanas and its benefits. Human biomechanics evolved through the field of mechanics. The use of biomechanics is extensive in the field of medicine and sports. Biomechanical models have given us the insight into the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system. Understanding the mechanics of the body helps in optimizing the performance and preventing injuries. This study aims to collectively compare information available on traditional practices of Yoga and Modern Biomechanics. The studies of Yogasanas and biomechanics have suggested the practice of asanas improve the functional mobility and range of motion. Asanas aim to improve alignment and stability, which was demonstrated in some studies. Considering all the studies on asana and biomechanics, most of them are focused on the joints and muscles parameters. No studies have been conducted on the biomechanics of asanas in detail. The studies reviewed under this study concluded that the similarities between the understanding of traditional Yogasanas in the scriptures and the modern biomechanics. The conceptualization of asanas or physical postures are similar between the East and the West perspectives. Further studies on asanas and its biomechanical models are necessary.
Keywords:Yoga; Asana; Biomechanics; Surya namaskara