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Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences

Assessment of Attention-Deficit using a Dynamic-body Electronic Testing System

  • Open or CloseBoubaker Ben Ali*1, Éric Dugas2*, Luc Collard3 and Raffi Nakas4

    1ECOTIDI (UR16ES10), Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia

    2LACES (EA7437), University of Bordeaux, France

    3I3SP, URP (3625), University of Paris, France

    4ECP (4571) University of Lyon 2, France

    *Corresponding author:Éric Dugas, Laboratoire Cultures, Education, (LACESEA7437),University of Bordeaux, France.

Submission: May 01, 2020;Published: June 03, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/RMES.2020.08.000699

ISSN: 2576-8816
Volume 8 Issue 5


This case study seeks to examine the changing nature of attention-deficit testing using a new wireless electronic tool called B-percept® protocol. The testing protocol consists to measure the participant’s perception of simple or complex visual (light), auditory (sound) and kinesthetic (vibration) stimuli, as triggered simultaneously or randomly. Tested with sportsmen and sedentary participants, the B-percept® system revealed that sportsmen accustomed to facing a changing human and/or physical environment are able to anticipate, to adapt and to react better-faster than sedentary participants. In future investigations, it might be possible to use B-percept® in a wider context where outcomes in the field of medicine, rehabilitation, disability or even training in specific task professions

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