Paulo Monteiro Rosa* and Tiago Fleming
University of Porto, Portugal
*Corresponding author:Paulo Monteiro Rosa, University of Porto, Portugal
Submission: Decemeber 15, 2023; Published: December 21, 2023
ISSN: 2689-2707 Volume 4 Issue 5
The Covid-19 pandemic dictated social distancing, thereby altering all activities related to basic medical care and, in this way, driving telemedicine, avoiding travel, reducing environmental costs, and contributing to a more resilient economy. Telemedicine is increasingly important as a fundamental medical tool in basic treatments, reducing costs and endless waits in hospital waiting rooms. It also encourages those hesitant to visit physical clinics to seek more frequent medical attention, thereby decreasing the probability of a disease progressing, preventing its onset or development. While physical exams must be conducted in person, telemedicine can handle appointment scheduling, and a significant portion of mental health concerns is increasingly addressed remotely.
At times, life circumstances, especially distance, prevent us from attending a doctor’s physical office for a previously scheduled appointment. However, telemedicine could mitigate this issue by conducting remote consultations. The time allocated to such consultations would not be wasted, ensuring the patient receives medical attention, significantly reducing the risk of a potential disease worsening, even if it’s in an early and almost harmless stage. It is common for some individuals to avoid traveling to a hospital or physical medical office, a normal human stance due to concerns about potential immunological risks in medical facilities and hospitals. Telemedicine enables more people to have medical oversight, avoiding travel costs, which is a significant saving and a relevant contribution to the global economy.
The gradual growth of telemedicine is synonymous with economic improvement. Similar to the remote education driven by the pandemic, especially E-learning and B-Learning, contributing to greater knowledge sharing, resulting in a more resilient global economy, telemedicine also benefits knowledge sharing, supporting more sustainable economic growth. It’s not just the doctor/patient relationship that improves with telemedicine, but also greater interaction among medical colleagues and gradual support for surgical procedures.