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Trends in Telemedicine & E-health

Telehealth: A Concept Analysis from a Nursing Perspective

Ibrahim Al Baalharith1,2* and Mona Al Sherim1,3

1Nursing program at College of Nursing, Saudi Arabia

2Executive Quality and Excellence Officer in SEHA Virtual Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia

3Department of surgical and medical Nursing, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author:Ibrahim Al Baalharith, Student in Nursing program at College of Nursing, Executive Quality and Excellence Officer in SEHA Virtual Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia

Submission: February 01, 2023; Published: February 16, 2023

DOI: 10.31031/TTEH.2023.03.000575

ISSN: 2689-2707
Volume 3 Issue 5


Aim: This paper is an analysis of the concept of telehealth from a nursing perspective.
Background: This relieves strain on workers and reimburses for the separation between affected ones and caregivers. Telehealth is a cutting-edge healthcare method that uses electronic communication to improve patient care. The use of mobile communication to convey health data has increased the use of the word m-health, which may be defined as “healthcare computing, medical sensor, and communications technologies.” This approach saves money on infrastructure and is ideal for providing health care services in understaffed locations like rural health clinics, ships, trains, and airplanes.
Method: The Walker et al, [1]. 8 steps used to examine the concept analysis of Telehealth. The literature source was based on peer-reviewed English articles from different search databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar. The comprehensive literature review unearthed the common terms used in concept analysis and their defining characteristics were identified.
Discussion: Telehealth, through its prompt use, is of importance in that it has helped a number of people in the delivery of services to remote places that they have no access to medicine and consultation quite often. Over time, many advancements will be taken into consideration and are still under development since it is a developing industry. This will be a milestone in the field of medicine.
Conclusion: Telehealth is suitable for individuals who do not want to go to the health institutions. Patients should, however, verify the credentials of the healthcare provider giving service. Nowadays, healthcare facilities have had a significant influence from the technological sector, and more are gradually deviating towards telecommunication.

Keywords: Telenursing; Telemedicine; Concept analysis; Nursing patient safety; E-health; Telehealth


Providing medical care remotely is referred to as telemedicine, and it makes it easy to get several care options from telemedicine. By integrating wired and wireless data transmission, images, videos, and signals can all be transmitted to a location for a diagnosis. The rise of telemedicine will help with the distance between patients and the caretakers, and it will help with the provision of advanced care to the patients. Using mobile phones to send information will give rise to mobile computing, medical sensors, and more accessible contact between patients and healthcare providers like nurses. Telemedicine, therefore, will reduce the cost usually incurred in building many infrastructures; thus, the system helps provide health care services at home and in places where they are understaffed. It makes there be more accessible access to health services. Through mobile health, they can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This brings the evolution of emerging wireless communication and technologies that will help facilitate health care over the diversified infrastructure. Many countries have adopted telemedicine, and through them aspiring to improve the quality of the health of the people, they have adopted telemedicine since it will help in health monitoring and improving the quality of the health of the people.

History of the Concept

Telemedicine started way early in the early 1900s, and the radio revolutionized communication mainly inspired telemedicine. The radio was first used in entertainment and the national defense, and it was there that innovators started the invention of a heath care provider using the radio to attend to patients. In 1924, they were featured in a radio magazine that talked about a radio healthcare provider. In the 1940s, radiology imaging was sent 24miles, and this was between two towns, and it was the first-ever electronic medical record transfer. Later on, as the years progressed teleradiology system was constructed, and the practices started to be expanded, and they continued to spread widely across. Video communication was used for the first time in Nebraska.

Over the years, telemedicine has become popular in rural areas with limited access to health care. Through telemedicine, they can reach several people from far. In the 1960s and 70’s the department of health and NASA researched more on telemedicine and how it can be improved in several ways Alinejad et al. Through the partnership between Indian health care and NASA, the project provided access to healthcare by the people in Arizona and the astronauts in orbit. This was possible through the use of microwave technology that used transmitted X-ray photographs and electrocardiographs. Through innovative projects, they were several research that came into the light. Over the coming decades, they were advancement in the technology used in the field of telemedicine. Telemedicine has two requirements and is space and time. Through them, it enables specialists and more clinics for easy adaptation of telemedicine for the needs of the patients through the use of internet services that will help with the support so that it can be more mobile and efficient. Storing images and transmitting them is an essential aspect of telemedicine. Content-Based Retrieval (CBIR) is used for getting images that are of importance in the system.

Purpose of the Concept Analysis

The purpose of the concept analysis is to

Aims of the concept

The energy concept aims to increase the awareness level of nurses in health care institutions to improve the relationship with patients and other health professionals.


Walker et al. [1] eight-step concept analysis method was used to analyze this concept. The steps include selecting a concept, determining the purpose of the analysis, identifying all uses of the concept, determining the defining attributes, constructing a model case, identifying a borderline case, identifying antecedents and consequences, and defining empirical referents.

Definitions and uses of energy

Energy is described as the field of electrical forces that are exchanged among human beings to create a connection. According to Kerry [2], energy is composed of the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions exchanged among individuals to influence their relationships with other people. Energy dynamics are essential in creating good relationships, promoting health, and enhancing shifts in the body.


Attributes of a concept must be identified is that a concept can be practical and present. Attributes can best be defined as the characteristics of something, and in this case, they are the characteristics of energy as a concept. This section aims to identify the parts that contribute to the concept and make it unique, setting it apart from other concepts. The attributes of the concept are outlined below.

i. Aura

Aura is the distinctive form of spirituality that surrounds a human being and is an essential part of belonging and being. Human beings radiate electric fields, and the aura varies from one person to another depending on how evolved and connected they are to their inner being and purpose. According to Slate [3], the aura is part of the energy that characterizes human beings and is critical to help individuals understand themselves and those surrounding them. A nurse that has been able to master their aura can effectively use it to their power to influence others and connect with them. Unleashing their internal power and allowing positive or negative energy to flow through the patients is crucial because it determines how well nurses interact with patients, understand their emotions and fears through conversation, and eventually impact patients’ care.

ii. Current

Electric current is defined as the movement of electric charges between. The articles can be subatomic particles or ions useful in creating electric fields where energy and current flows. According to American Nurse [4], human thought can influence the physical mass, and the electric fields play an essential role in promoting this charge, influencing the surroundings. The movement of people from one place to the next can be vale to conduct electrical currents between individuals and, in this case, between the nurse and the patient. The thoughts of a nurse play an essential role in influencing the patients, and the electric field generated by the nurses influences the thoughts, which are also energy. Increased electric current plays a significant role in influencing how patients because studies indicate that some people suck out the energy of patients. In scientific terms, they reduce the electric frequency and the electric fields of a particular patient, reducing their healing process.

iii. Person

A person is a human being, and they can be an adult or a child. A person has to have feelings and emotions, and they are effective in the process of energy exchange. From the nursing perspective, a person must be present to be able to create an electric field with others and exchange their aura. A nurse is a necessary part of the energy concept. They are attributes that must be present to allow the exchange of energies and allow the concept of energy to come into perspective in the field of nursing. According to American Nurse [4], in today’s world, interconnection and conscious relationships are essential to the spirit’s existence, which eventually translates to the importance of a person as an attribute o energy as a concept ting the field of nursing.

Antecedents and Consequences

According to Walker et al. [1], antecedents are the vents or the specific thing that must be available and present in a situation for an occurrence of the concept. The antecedent in the concept of energy is identified to be God or a higher form of power; it can also be nature or Allah. The higher power is responsible for the energy that flows to an individual. Transcendence equips a nurse to abbe able to ask practical questions surrounding a patient that will help a patient to feel at peace, being able to move beyond the scope of space and time and moving on to the higher nature of life, and align with the spiritual realm is an essential tool that is important in the energy concept form a nursing perspective [5]. The higher power gives patients and the nurse a better understanding of their intrinsic being and that they can separate themselves from the physical realm and chaos have a higher current in turn better understanding of situations.

The consequence of the energy concept is spiritual tranquility. A nurse can use energy to be able to align their existence with their life purpose. According to, spirituality is an essential concept in enhancing an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional state, and so can it enhance that of a nurse. Spirituality is critical in improving individuals’ relationships and allowing positive energy to flow between them [6]. From a nursing perspective, spirituality is a consequence that will allow the flow of energy and alignment of currents with their life’s purpose keeps nurses in tow about why they became nurses and, in turn, take care of the patients fully.

Identity Cases

Model cases

A model case is defined as a relevant example in the field of medicine that is useful in exhibiting the concept of energy and helping to find a definition and explanation of all the attributes mentioned above. According to Walaker et al. [1], a model case is a pure example relevant to the concept being learned. It provides an easy example that helps the concept be more relevant and understandable. The model case below depicts a clear example of the concept of energy. Henry was a 35 years old male nurse who worked in the nursing department and specialized in working with patients in the intensive care unit whose family and friends were depressed by their loved on being in critical condition [7]. Henry was particularly excellent at his job of consoling the friends and families of the critical patients, and he was recognized by the hospital and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for his excellent job in the hospital. Henry was respected by all his co-workers for his positive working ethics and having the right management skills to handle patients effectively.

Henry’s work line was specific to depressed and troubled teens, which translated to him being adequate time with working with people who were stressed about a particular situation. He chose this line of work and specialty due to his relations and upbringing because he could effectively relate to other people’s feelings. Henry’s success for the past ten years was caused by his experiences as a young person. When he was 16 years old, he witnessed his mother’s death, who was his only source of comfort and love, and because his father was absent throughout these problems and turmoil, Henry chose a life of indiscipline and mischief to fill the void in his heart. Luckily, a random person took note of his problems, and he invited henry to their church where they could worship together and experience the love of God. Surprisingly, Henry found the church as a place to console his spirit and to give the peace that he was searching for and love to fill his void, He found God as a consolation to all his problems, and this changed him into a better human being and eventually turned his life around for a positive outcome. He decided to pursue medicine and, in particular, nursing, where he could help individuals not fall into the same trap as him and help those already there.

As Henry was working in the hospital, he received 45 years old woman who suffered from a heart attack and was in critical condition was taken to the intensive care unit. The woman’s son, upon arrival, was shocked by seeing his mother’s situation and was screaming and curing for the mere thought of losing his mother. All the emotions were that the son felt henry could vividly identify with them, and he took the opportunity to speak to the young man to help him through the situation. He told the young man that he had been in the same shoes as him as a teenager, and henry could relate to how he was feeling at that particular time. Henry emphasized with the young man and told him he was sorry for the situation he was in and that no matter the outcome, he would be okay because everything happens for a reason. This encouraged him, and he calmed down and started crying, explaining that his mother was his only source of anchor in life, and she sacrificed everything to keep her family happy and healthy.

This case highlights the importance of energy flow for a nurse to improve the relationship with patients and their loved ones. Energy is critical in creating a connection with the relevant people and allowing frequencies to align so that the individual feels seen and accepted. Henry took advantage of being vulnerable and allowing positive energy to flow to the young man, which was critical in creating a feeling of calmness and positivity in the situation. In general, this case outlines and highlights the importance of energy flow in the nursing field for healing, diagnosis, and positivity.

Borderline cases

A borderline case can best be defined and identified as the case containing all the parts of the concept and characteristics, but it differed entirely from the main idea of the concept and its purpose. The borderline case is almost similar to the concept being discussed, but it differs and has some differences from what is expected; hence; hence it can be distinguished from the concept Walker et al. [1]. The case below describes a borderline case that helps showcase the difference in the concept of energy. 25 Years old nurse, Ann, was a registered nurse that was an essential part of society. She was assigned in the labor ward as her specialty and was proud to conduct 250-300 successful deliveries per month. Ann was much respected for her skills, and the CNO recognized her excellent work and dedication to her job. However, Ann had a rough childhood, and her co-workers knew that she was used to getting annoyed quickly, and she did not adapt well to patients and their personal needs. This was caused by her situation while growing up, losing her parents at the age of 12. Before she reached 18 years, she had lived with relatives and foster homes.

Despite this fact, she did her best to be a productive person nut sometimes, the weakness and the needs could creep in and reduce coping mechanisms. Ann was assigned a 35 years old woman who was in labor and was about to give birth. The patient had not dilated enough for her to start the process of giving birth. She communicated to Ann about her fears of giving birth first due to the loss of her first child during birth. Ann was frustrated and annoyed about the woman’s impatience, and she immediately got an order for her delivery, gave her an intravenous injection, and got the delivery room ready. With woman was fully dilated in a few minutes and ready to give birth. The woman communicated to the nurse about the fear of giving birth without the doctor being present, and even though the baby was crowning, Ann left the patient and her husband alone and ran to get the doctor. The patient gave birth by herself, and Ann came back and congratulated the patient for giving birth like Champ. The nurse and the patient had a problem with the energy flow between them and did not understand each other due to the difference in the energy exchange. The movement of energy was seen through the patient’s emotional fear and physical changes during her childbirth. Even though Ann remained professional and upheld the working ethics of ensuring a patient is comfortable at all times. She was unable to connect and adapt to the situation, hence blocking the energy current between them and the lack of flow of the energies. Hence reducing the amount of proper care that could be given.

On the contrary case, the need that the patients were presenting to Ann were the movements that are required in the energy concept; additionally, energy and current were present, but the outcome was negative due to blocking positive energy due to lack of aura that is needed to allow energy to flow between individuals. This case showcases the same attributes as the first case; however, the outcomes are different due to the lack of allowing positive energy to flow between them.

Contrary case

On the Contrary, the motions necessary in the energy concept were not being shown by the patients; moreover, energy was there, but the consequence was unfavorable owing to the blockage of positive energy due to a lack of aura, which is essential to allow energy to pass between persons Bayram [5]. When nurses fail to maintain a continuous exchange of energy with patients, the disturbance may lead to nursing dissatisfaction in their job. In contrast, they may not heal the patient correctly. When the proper balance of energy between the nurse and the patient is not disturbed, for instance, when a nurse gets sick, and so on, the nurse has low energy frequency and can provide holistic care to the patient. These two examples had many similarities, but the consequences were different since they did not allow good energy to flow between them.

To put it another way, Walker et al. [1] said that opposite circumstances are simple illustrations of what a notion does not include. The following is an illustration of the inverse situation. Helen was an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) at a medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with a high patient load [8]. A 21-yearold patient with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head had been brought to her attention and was rapidly deteriorating [5]. As requested by his family, the patient stayed in full code status. A code blue was activated on the patient thirty minutes later. The ACNP managed the code blue. Before the official time of death was announced, there was a 30-minute period of a code blue. Despite the best efforts of everyone involved, the patient died [9,10]. When a person dies, all sources of energy vanish into thin air. At the point of death, a person no longer has any existence or an aura, movement, or energy flow. The paper should create a bond between nurses and patients to improve nurses’ caring behaviors and formulate medical teaching-instructional settings.

Empirical Referents

The empirical referent can be identified as the tools or means that are available to measure the attributes of a concept to be able to eventually identify it Walker et al. [1]. They are essential in ensuring that a nurse can identify the attributes of a particular concept to follow the correct procedure for proper patient care. In the case of Henry and the young man, there was a constant exchange of energy between them, and they and Henry were able to maintain the movement of energy. With his belief in a higher being, making everything possible, and having a reason for everything, he exchanged this energy with the stressed man, which in turn made him relaxed and have positive energy in him.

Impact of the Concept of Energy

According to [5], energy affects the relationship of individuals and how they co-exist with each other. It impacts the transmission of impulses from individuals and eventually their relationships.


Energy is an important aspect that should be highly considered and conserved to better individuals’ lives. Important aspects for full energy use are aura, persons, and the current. According to American Nurse [4], the human mind is an essential part of the body, and it affects how individuals relate with each other. Electric impulses passed from one person to the next are critical in influencing the aura and existence of people (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Energy: A concept analysis model.


In conclusion, energy is a concept that is used in the analysis of nurses and is essential in helping nursing be more effective and contribute positively to the patient’s well-being and eventually proper diagnosis and healing of the patient. The attribute of the concept of energy is an aura, person, and current, while the antecedent is God or any higher power that an individual believes in. The consequence identified in the concept is spiritual tranquility which helps an individual aligns with their life’s purpose. A nurse will give optimum patient care by having a continuous connection with the patients and allowing the flow of positive energy between them.


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