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Trends in Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology

The Impact of Digitalization on the Textile Industry: Mini Review

Jeong Keun Kim*

Department of Carbon Convergence Engineering, Jeonju University, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk 55069, Republic of Korea

*Corresponding author:Jeong Keun Kim, Department of Carbon Convergence Engineering, Jeonju University, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk 55069, Republic of Korea

Submission: February 20, 2023; Published: March 01, 2023

DOI: 10.31031/TTEFT.2023.08.000682

ISSN 2578-0271
Volume 8 Issue2


The textile industry has undergone significant changes due to the advancements in digital technology. This mini review aims to examine the impact of digitalization on the textile industry, including product design and development, production, and distribution. In product design and development, the integration of computer-aided design (CAD) software has enabled designers to create more accurate and detailed designs, simulate the behavior of fabrics and garments, and collaborate more effectively with other team members. Digitalization has also made it possible to store and access design data and information more easily. In production, the use of digital tools has led to a more streamlined and efficient process, reducing the need for physical prototypes and enabling faster decision-making. In distribution, online retail platforms and e-commerce websites have allowed manufacturers to reach a wider audience and sell their products directly to consumers, resulting in increased competition and a more efficient distribution process.

Keywords:Textile industry; Computer-aided design; Digitalization


The textile industry has been undergoing significant changes in recent years due to advancements in digital technology. Digitalization has impacted the entire value chain of the textile industry, from product design and development to production and distribution. This mini review aims to examine the impact of digitalization on the textile industry and its future potential [1].

Impact of digitalization on product design and development

One of the key areas where digitalization has had a significant impact is in product design and development. With the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) software, designers can now create more accurate and detailed designs, leading to more efficient and effective product development. Additionally, digital tools have made it possible to simulate the behavior of fabrics and garments, allowing designers to test and optimize their designs before going into production [2,3].

Impact on production

The rise of digitalization has transformed various industries, and one of the areas where it has had a profound effect is product design and development. The integration of computeraided design (CAD) software has revolutionized the way products are designed, leading to more precise and intricate designs that result in a more streamlined and efficient product development process.

Gone are the days when designers had to rely solely on their imagination and manual drawings to create prototypes. Today, with the help of CAD software, designers can create three-dimensional models of their designs with incredible accuracy and detail. This not only saves time and effort, but also enables designers to identify and correct any potential issues early on in the design process, reducing the risk of costly mistakes during production.

Moreover, digital tools have made it possible for designers to simulate the behavior of materials and fabrics, such as how they will stretch, fold, or move. This allows designers to test and refine their designs before they go into production, ensuring that the final product meets the desired specifications and standards. This has also helped to reduce the need for physical prototypes, saving time, money, and resources.

One of the key benefits of digitalization in product design and development is the ability to collaborate more effectively with other team members, clients, and suppliers. Designers can now share their designs with others in real-time, regardless of their location, allowing for quicker feedback and approval. This has led to faster and more efficient decision-making, enabling organizations to bring their products to market faster and stay ahead of the competition [4].

Another advantage of digitalization is the ability to store and access design data and information more easily. In the past, designers had to rely on physical drawings and prototypes to preserve their designs, which were often lost or damaged. Today, with digital design tools, designers can store and access their designs from anywhere, at any time, ensuring that they are always up-to-date and readily available.

Impact on distribution

Digitalization has also had a significant impact on the distribution of textile products. Online retail platforms and e-commerce websites have made it possible for manufacturers to reach a wider audience and sell their products directly to consumers. This has led to increased competition and a more efficient and streamlined distribution process [5].


In conclusion, digitalization has had a profound impact on the entire value chain of the textile industry, from product design and development to production and distribution. In product design and development, the integration of CAD software has enabled designers to create more accurate and detailed designs, simulate the behavior of fabrics and garments, and collaborate more effectively with other team members. In production, the use of digital tools has led to a more streamlined and efficient process, reducing the need for physical prototypes and enabling faster decision-making. In distribution, online retail platforms and e-commerce websites have allowed manufacturers to reach a wider audience and sell their products directly to consumers, resulting in increased competition and a more efficient distribution process. The future potential of digitalization in the textile industry is vast and exciting, and it will likely continue to shape and transform the industry in the years to come.


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