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Strategies in Accounting and Management

A New Role in Management Strategies: The Wheeler Manager

Fabrizio Traversa*

DEASS - Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care, SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Stabile Piazzetta, Via Violino 11. CH-6928 Manno (TI), Switzerland

*Corresponding author:Fabrizio Traversa, DEASS - Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care, SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Stabile Piazzetta, Via Violino 11. CH-6928 Manno (TI), Switzerland

Submission:May 16, 2024;Published: June 06, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/SIAM.2024.04.000599

Volume4 Issue5


As the business world demands ever-increasing agility and innovation, traditional hierarchical structures are proving to be cumbersome and flat organizations, with minimal management layers and a strong emphasis on collaboration, are emerging as a powerful alternative. These flat structures break down departmental silos and encourage the free flow of information across teams. This collaborative environment fosters better problem-solving and fuels innovation by empowering employees to contribute their best ideas. However, effectively fostering communication and collaboration across diverse teams requires new leadership approaches. The developing of a new type of facilitator, that acts as a bridge between departments, ensuring information circulates efficiently and dissolving silos, is the key for success. Ande the Wheeler Managers is our answer: he/she plays a multi-faceted role, acting as information brokers, conflict resolvers, and resource allocators. Ultimately, their goal is to promote transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement within the organization. By fostering a culture that values innovation and teamwork, Wheeler Managers play a vital role in driving organizational success. This paper delves deeper into the benefits of flat organizational structures, the specific functions of Wheeler Managers, and the overall impact they have on value creation within a company.

Keywords:Management; Organization chart; Strategies; Human resources; Value creation; Organiblò


Change in organizational structures

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where agility, creativity, and innovation reign supreme, the traditional hierarchical organizational structures are gradually giving way to more fluid and flat models [1]. A flat organizational structure is characterized by minimal levels of management between executives, frontline employees and by the need for new figures - including not necessarily managerial ones - who are able to facilitate the creation of value in companies and who can harmonize and maximize the flow of information. Instead of a rigid hierarchy, decision-making authority is distributed across the organization, promoting open communication channels, and fostering a culture of collaboration [2]. In a flat organizational structure, barriers between different company functions are broken down, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration [3]. Unlike in hierarchical organizations where information tends to flow vertically through layers of management, in a flat structure, employees from various departments have direct access to one another. This accessibility fosters cross-functional dialogue, allowing teams to share insights, perspectives, expertise and by encouraging dialogue across functions, organizations can leverage diverse viewpoints to tackle complex challenges more effectively [4]. Marketing can provide valuable insights to product development, while operations can offer input on supply chain optimization and when employees from different areas of the company collaborate freely, it not only enhances problem-solving but also strengthens relationships and builds a cohesive organizational culture [5].

Innovation thrives in environments where ideas can flow freely and where individuals feel empowered to contribute and a flat organizational structure cultivates such an environment by removing bureaucratic barriers that can stifle creativity [6]. When employees are encouraged to share their ideas without fear of hierarchy, innovation becomes a collective endeavor rather than the prerogative of a select few. Moreover, in a flat structure, decision-making is often decentralized, empowering frontline employees to take ownership of their work and innovate at their level [7]. This autonomy not only increases employee engagement but also generates a steady stream of innovative solutions to business challenges that goes from process improvements to product enhancements, allowing that the exchange of ideas that flourishes in a flat organization can drive continuous innovation and keep the company ahead of the curve.

Cultivating a culture of innovation

Organizational structures have a profound impact on culture, and a flat structure is inherently conducive to fostering a culture of innovation Daft [1] and when employees feel empowered to voice their opinions and experiment with new ideas, it creates a culture that values creativity and risk-taking. In contrast to hierarchical organizations where rigid protocols and top-down directives may stifle innovation, a flat structure promotes a mindset of exploration and experimentation [5]. Furthermore, in a flat organization, leaders often serve as facilitators rather than commanders, empowering employees to drive innovation from the ground up and by creating an environment where innovation is celebrated and supported, organizations can attract top talent and retain employees who are passionate about making a difference [8]. Ultimately, the advantages of a flat organizational structure culminate in accelerated business growth. By fostering dialogue, encouraging the exchange of ideas, and cultivating a culture of innovation, flat organizations are better equipped to adapt to change, seize emerging opportunities, and outpace competitors [2]. Moreover, the collaborative nature of a flat structure enhances organizational agility, enabling companies to respond swiftly to market dynamics and customer needs [9]. As a result, flat organizations are often more resilient in the face of uncertainty and better positioned for long-term success [4]. In an era defined by rapid change and unprecedented complexity, the importance of having a flat organizational structure cannot be overstated and by embracing this paradigm shift, organizations can unleash the full potential of their workforce and chart a course towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

The organiblò: a circular approach to corporate organization

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate organization, traditional hierarchical structures are being challenged by innovative concepts that prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and sustainability. One such paradigm-shifting concept is Organiblò, a circular corporate organization model that reimagines the way information flows and decisions are made within an organization, and it represents a departure from traditional hierarchical structures, which are characterized by top-down decision-making and rigid departmental boundaries. Instead, Organiblò embraces a circular framework where information, authority, and accountability flow seamlessly across interconnected nodes within the organization. At the core of Organiblò is the principle of circularity, wherein every part of the organization is both a contributor and a recipient of information and resources. This holistic approach fosters collaboration, innovation, and adaptability, enabling organizations to respond more effectively to internal and external dynamics [5]. As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected business landscape, the need for adaptable and agile organizational structures has never been more apparent. Organiblò offers a compelling alternative to traditional hierarchical models, promoting collaboration, innovation, and resilience.

Introducing the wheeler manager

At the heart of this transformative approach is the introduction of a new management figure known as the Wheeler Manager. Unlike traditional hierarchical managers who exert authority from the top down, Wheeler Managers operate as facilitators and orchestrators of information flow within the organization. The Wheeler Manager serves as a conduit, connecting various departments, teams, and individuals and ensuring that information circulates freely and efficiently, being adept at breaking down silos, fostering collaboration, and empowering employees to take ownership of their work. For how the figure of the Wheeler Manage was conceived and for how he/she will have to be inserted within the new company organizational charts, his/her responsibilities encompass a wide range of functions, all geared towards promoting a culture of transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement as:

Information brokerage: Wheeler Managers are tasked with gathering, synthesizing, and disseminating information across the organization. They ensure that relevant insights and updates are shared promptly with all stakeholders, promoting alignment and informed decision-making. Improved communication across departments allows for a more holistic view of challenges and opportunities, leading to better-informed decisions (Bucăţa [10]) and by facilitating cross- functional collaboration, Wheeler Managers can spark new ideas and foster a culture of innovation [11].

Conflict resolution: In a dynamic and interconnected organization, conflicts may arise due to differing perspectives or priorities. Wheeler Managers act as mediators, helping to resolve disputes and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Resource allocation: With resources distributed across various departments and projects, Wheeler Managers play a crucial role in optimizing resource allocation. They identify opportunities for synergy, allocate resources judiciously, and ensure that organizational goals are prioritized. In addition, streamlined communication and collaboration lead to faster problem-solving and reduced duplication of efforts, ultimately improving operational efficiency [12].

Catalysing innovation: Organiblò thrives on innovation, and Wheeler Managers play a key role in fostering a culture of creativity and experimentation. They encourage cross-functional collaboration, support idea generation, and champion initiatives that drive innovation and growth.

But the positive impact of Wheeler Managers extends beyond fostering a collaborative work environment. They might deliver a tangible return on investment by optimizing company finances with process optimization and the elimination of redundancies, resulting in significant cost savings. Furthermore, Wheeler Managers act as catalysts for revenue growth: enhanced innovation, facilitated by cross-functional collaboration, fuels the development of new products and services that attract new customers. This translates directly to increased revenue streams. Finally, we can say that Wheeler Managers become a multiplier for customer satisfaction. Effective communication bridges the gap between departments, ensuring a coordinated and responsive approach to customer service. This, in turn, leads to higher customer satisfaction, a key driver of loyalty and repeat business.

As already told, in today's dynamic business landscape, effective communication and collaboration across departments are critical for organizational success and traditional hierarchical structures can often create internal silos, hindering information flow and hindering decision-making. This is where the concept of Wheeler Managers emerges as a potential game-changer because he/she would act as liaison figures, fostering communication and collaboration between disparate departments and functions within a company. By breaking down these internal barriers, they ensure a smoother flow of information and knowledge sharing. This concept draws inspiration from matrix management structures, but with a stronger emphasis on interpersonal communication and relationship building.


The rise of Organiblò signals a paradigm shift in corporate organization-a shift towards a more dynamic, inclusive, and sustainable approach to doing business and as organizations embrace the principles of circularity and empower Wheeler Managers to navigate the wheel of innovation and collaboration, they position themselves for long-term success in an ever-changing world. In essence, we can say that Wheeler Managers are value creators! By fostering collaboration, breaking down silos, and improving communication, they empower companies to operate more efficiently, innovate more effectively, and ultimately, deliver a more satisfying customer experience. This translates into a stronger bottom line and a more sustainable competitive advantage.


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