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Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine

Relationship Between Motor Learning and General Intelligence

  • Open or ClosePavol Horička* and Jaromír Šimonek

    Department of Physical Education and Sport, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

    *Corresponding author: Pavol Horička, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Submission: October 22, 2021;Published: February 02, 2022

DOI: 10.31031/RISM.2022.07.000685

ISSN: 2577-1914
Volume8 Issue2


The acquisition of skills is associated with the process of motor learning. We assume that its pace is determined by the abilities and levels of a wide range of neural processes, including intelligence. The content of the research was to find out the differences in the level of Motor Learning (ML) and general Intelligence (IQ) in the group of 120 boys and girls of primary school and grammar school aged 12-17 years and the subsequent identification of a possible relationship between the two indicators. The results did not show significant differences in the level of motor learning and intelligence between the genders in either age category. Correlation analysis confirmed a significant relationship between ML and IQ excluding the gender factor (r=-0.297). When gender was taken into account, the relationship was seen only in boys (r=-0.312). We note that we found a lower rate of ML in students with a higher level of intelligence. We observed the same tendencies in the girls, but insignificant.

Keywords: General intelligence; Motor skills learning; School physical education; Self-perception

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