Cusack PTE*
BScE, Canada
*Corresponding author:Paul TE Cusack, BScE, DULE, 23 Park Ave, Saint John, NB E2J 1R2, Canada
Submission: August 22, 2023;Published: September 26, 2023
ISSN: 2640-9666Volume5 Issue5
I’ve encountered many women whom I find to be disagreeable in their jobs. They seem to resent men-white men-for some reason. I’ve had trouble with women all my life, from my cousin Mary when I was 5 until today when I apply for a student loan. The most powerful psychology is Jungian Personality Testing. In the theory, he indicates that there are four components to the human personality. There are two options for each of these four personalities. The first two are introversion/extraversion; intuitive/sensor; thinker/feeler/ and judge/perceiver. The one that I consider here is the way we may decisions-thinking vs feeling. Thinkers make their decision on logical analysis whereas feelers make their decisions on how they Feel. One is not better than the other; just different. Most men are thinkers, but not all. Most woman are feelers. Where I run into trouble is when you have a feeler-a woman-in a job that requires that she be a thinker. It doesn’t work well. Feelers, who can either male or female should be in the helping professions. For example, I know a bisexual man who worked with kids in an elementary school for 38 years.
There is a test that can be administered called the Myers-Brigg test that assigning the four components of the test takers personality. The is an excellent book entitled “Do What You Are” by Paul D Teiger that givers a list of jobs that each of the 16 personality types should work at to be happy. If people followed it, we would not only have a happier work force, but a more competent one. Years ago, woman worked as either teachers, nurses, or stayed at home to rear large families. These are positions that are ideally suited for feelers. There are male nurses too, for example. I had a gay man who was a nurse for over 40 years. Schools should do the Myer’s Brigg testing on every student. Every vocation office should have multiple copies of Teiger’s book. Putting people in their ideal job is important to the happiness and longevity of a worker. As far as pay goes, the jobs for men or women should pay what the market commands. I worked with a 40 year old divorced woman in the building construction industry. She had been an estimator. The day she was hired, she was paid what a male estimator was paid even though he had been with the company for 17 years. She didn’t bring one project into the company. She made more than double what I did. She was a technician, and I was a professional engineer. She said to me that she was not prepared to work long hours that the job demanded anymore. She had lost interest in the job.
So, woman have evolved to be suited for certain functions such as mothers, nurses, care givers, and elementary school teachers. Some women are good at being television announcers and government fiscal managers. There was a little boy who got on the city transit bus and was surprized to see a woman as the driver. He said, Drivers are supposed to be boys. The female drivers said, “Not bad for a girl.” The job is too stressful for the woman driver. I doubt she’ll last. Too much stress. On the surface, we would agree that women should be able to do any job they please. We would agree that woman should earn the same as men. Upon closer inspection, well, maybe not. The only job where women make more than men is in modelling. I witnessed a five-year-old girl who, when seeing her younger brother begin changed by his mother, said, What’s that” Her mother said that’s his penis”. She exclaimed, “I want one!” So much for freude and penis envy. Men and women are remarkedly different. Women are better at certain things than men, and vice versa. It all goes back to jungian thinker-feelers. Modern women are botchy nowadays. They are very unhappy. Time to rethink society and how it’s organized now that it has fallen apart completely.
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