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Perceptions in Reproductive Medicine

Critical Doping Usage Incidents in Athletics

  • open or closeSeyda Belfin Aydin*

    Department of Physical Education and Sports, Turkey

    *Corresponding author: Seyda Belfin Aydin, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Turkey

Submission: June 28, 2022Published: July 22, 2022

Volume5 Issue2
July , 2022


This article has been released to explain and question the drug usage and critical drug usage cases in athletics and to visualize how the lives of athletes changed after they are being diagnosed as drug positive. Drugs are so common among the athletes who want achieve a better run and also a better career. The drug types can vary among athletes and listed as they give different reactions for different athletes. The issue has been controversial for a long time. Although most people argue that drug usage is unacceptable and unethical; some people say that drugs can be used to be more successful in sports performances. However, athletes who have been detected drug positive in competitions as they want to get higher performance scores, leaded an unsuccessful career for them. This article would explain these critical drug cases and incidents and athletes’ changing lives while it would argue different types of drugs and the effects of drug usage in athletes.

Keywords:Drug types; Afterlives of famous athletes; Critical cases

Abbreviations: IAAF: International Association of Athletics Federations; WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency

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