1Assistant Researcher, Reproductive Medicine and Family Planning Department, Egypt
2Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical application of laser Sciences Department, Egypt
3Assistant Professor, Reproductive Health and Family Planning Department, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amira Aziz assistant Researcher, Reproductive Medicine and Family Planning Department, National Research Centre1, 33 el Bohous St. dokki, Cairo, 12311, Egypt
Submission: February 19, 2018; Published: March 28, 2018
ISSN: 2640-9666Volume1 Issue5
We live in a society where beauty and sensations are important. Nowadays many women are concerned about their genital organs, especially the vaginal laxity associating vaginal deliveries and aging. Recently the market offers various modalities to treat such conditions, known as “Vaginal Relaxation”. The aesthetic and functional procedures that comprise vaginal repair include traditional vaginal prolapse procedures as well as cosmetic vulval and labial procedures. The line between cosmetic and medically indicated procedures is blurred, and today many operations are performed for both purposes. Vaginal Rejuvenation (VR) is a new marketing term which is widely used to describe these vaginal procedures, but unfortunately with no clear specific procedure. Nowadays it describes the procedures aiming to “tighten” the vaginal canal and the introitus. However it mainly focuses on vaginal tightening to enhance sexual function and improve cosmetic appearance. In 2007, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists became sufficiently concerned to issue a statement to practitioners warning that ‘these procedures are not medically indicated and the safety and effectiveness of these procedures have not been documented’. One important potential problem is direct marketing to consumers rather than via referrals by health professionals. In our digital age, such marketing will rely heavily on the internet which is easily accessed by many women and young girls. More seriously, on the Internet particularly, medical experts now offer services and graphic details of the so called “vaginal rejuvenation”. Unfortunately the quality and quantity of clinical information in vaginal rejuvenation provider sites is poor, with erroneous information in some instances. Method: We used the Google search engine and the single search term “Vaginal Rejuvenation”, to obtain a broad data on this topic. Studies investigating and reviews on this issue were found. This Review defines VR, describes laser new technique for VR, collect evidences supporting this issue. Also it presents the experts’ opinion regarding vaginal rejuvenation. Finally we tried to make a humble conclusion. Conclusion: Vaginal rejuvenation is one of the latest trends in elective vaginal procedure for women. However it needs more studies to investigate its efficacy and safety, instead as using it as a standard and routine procedure with known outcome (results and side effects). A proper exam is vital prior to any repair. Women seeking the vaginal rejuvenation should be educated about normal variants, evaluated for pelvic support disorders and screened for psychological conditions. When dealing with sexual dysfunction alone and the caliber or width of the vagina, repair must be very meticulous and exact in order enhance sensation and function and not impair it..
Keywords: Vaginal rejuvenation; Laser vaginal rejuvenation; Vaginoplasty; Vaginal tightening